So is Lenovo for, or against Linux? I can't keep track.

Story: Canonical Will Collaborate With LenovoTotal Replies: 8
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May 10, 2011
4:44 PM EDT
Lenovo seems to be as schizophrenic as Asus and Dell on the topic of whether Linux is really a suitable or desirable option for either OEMs or users.

May 10, 2011
5:00 PM EDT
There's customers demand (see here)- and then OTOH there's Microsoft's demand.

May 10, 2011
5:22 PM EDT
> I can't keep track.

Neither can Lenovo. :(

Hopefully it will be more successful than Dell's short lived infatuation with Ubuntu.

May 10, 2011
5:59 PM EDT
They're a hardware vendor, so they play the fence... There's nothing new there & they're just taking a play from Intel's book...

May 10, 2011
7:15 PM EDT
Quoting:They're a hardware vendor, so they play the fence... There's nothing new there ...

Exactly, and the only serious effort that is going to make a dent in MS control of the desktop is when a Distro becomes its own OEM and designs its own PC. That shouldn't be difficult since PC components are pretty much standardized now days. That will take commitment and funding and Canonical would be the best candidate at this time. I am surprised they haven't done it yet. I believe Google's next smart move would be to expand beyond OS Chrome PC and offer their own or some other full fledged Linux Distro. .


May 11, 2011
8:57 AM EDT
The only distros with the $$$ for designing & marketing a PC are RedHat & Ubuntu...

But, I'll tell ya,... I'm pretty close to an M$ & Apple killer with my Dell Inspiron Duo running Ubuntu Maverick... It's a wireless patch (for bluetooth) & accelerometer hack away from a perfect mobile tablet device that could wow the masses. Both exist... So, it's just a matter of time...


May 11, 2011
9:05 AM EDT
The best laptop I ever owned was a Thinkpad/Lenovo X60S. It was magnificent in every aspect. Should I ever encounter another one, I will create friction burns on my arse getting my wallet out of my pocket.

May 11, 2011
3:17 PM EDT
@helios: "..I will create friction burns on my arse getting my wallet out of my pocket."

Hah, that made me laugh out loud! :D

May 11, 2011
4:06 PM EDT
@skelband --

You shouldn't laugh at poor Ken's predicament. If he does come across one of those Thinkpads (which I agree were fine machines), he will be highly restricted in his choice of entertainment. He will only be able to attend events worthy of a standing ovation.

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