How's the saying go?

Story: Nokia N9 could be the first and last MeeGo phoneTotal Replies: 6
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Jun 22, 2011
1:25 AM EDT
Let's see now...

N900, Android: depreciated...

N9, MeeGo: last one, and the OS sold off...

???, Windows Phone: brilliant future???

Oh yeah! I remember now...

"Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory"


Jun 22, 2011
6:11 PM EDT
Oiy,... Coulda been a contender. I might even have considered getting one if it had a front facing camera,... but no... I think I'll just snap up some N900's when the price drops, and pray for HPs WebOS to be a viable contender for a full Linux OS phone when THEY die.

Jun 22, 2011
9:35 PM EDT
The sad part is - MeeGo looked like it could be so great and this does look like a decent device.

I'm just hoping Samsung gives us something of decent quality before I die. They've been paying FOSS developers for some time without anything to show for it.


Jun 23, 2011
11:47 AM EDT
No I dont think so. There are already some manufacturer keen on Meego netbook and tablet. So a good chance they'll be Meego phone if they see the sales is good. The price is should be enticing. Hope I'm right.

The N900 still has undisputable #1 status for me till another phone comes with a full blown Firefox browser. But even if a WindowsPhone7 is going to have it I'll never buy it.

Jun 23, 2011
12:04 PM EDT
If I could put Meego on my Android Tablet (Wits A81h), I would. It's the closest thing to Maemo you can (easily) get your hands on. Plus there are possibilities of running Android Apps sand-boxed under it (not fully materialised yet, though). It's architecture isn't too far off from the N900 (missing cameras & a Mic, or even the IR port). The N9, without a front camera is a non-starter, even with other impressive specs. It's an Edsel.

Jun 23, 2011
12:12 PM EDT
I couldn't care less about Nokia since they ruined the N800/N810. I loved my N800 and couldn't wait until the N900 came out. Then it came out and I was soooo disappointed. *SIGH*

Jun 23, 2011
1:33 PM EDT
OK, there apparently IS a front camera,... I'm still not a fan, though,... but this eliminates a total rule-out for me.

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