Because Gnome Dev's Don't Care

Story: What People Are Saying About GNOME [Part 1]Total Replies: 6
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Oct 26, 2011
9:28 AM EDT
If I wanted to use an desktop where the developers don't care about my input (or thousands of users input) we could all go back to using OSX/Windows. The fact that this survey wouldn't even be hosted by the Gnome foundation when their own community wanted it should attest to this.

All those Gnome users that are left should do like Linus did and find a new desktop - maybe then the Gnome devs would get the message that it is NOT ok to ignore your end users.


Oct 26, 2011
9:39 AM EDT
100+10% agreed!!!

Oct 26, 2011
11:55 AM EDT
One of the biggest problems with Open Source software is that there is not a measurable market dynamic by which to gauge success or failure. I am sure the Gnome Devs are aware of the exodus away from Gnome 3 but all they see is angry or frustrated blog and comment posts.

They don't see numbers.

In the commercial world of just about any product or commodity, you have sales figures by which to adjust your product and strategy. With FOSS offerings, there are no hard numbers. I am sure that, "Last month we lost 1.3 million users due to dissatisfaction with our product" might carry more weight than simply reading about user dissatisfaction. And besides, I will further guess that said Devs have taken a foxhole posture over Gnome3 and rarely read the blogs and articles about their screwup.

I mean when the Father of Linux says your end product sucks, that has to cut pretty deep.


Oct 26, 2011
6:06 PM EDT
I think that devs of both gnome and kde should ask themselves a rather basic question about what has transpired with both kde4 and with gnome3.

Why are so many users so upset and is that anger possibly legitimate?

In the future wouldn't it make a lot of sense to trial concepts they want to introduce on a cross section of ordinary users. Simply assuming you know best when it comes to user satisfaction seems a very bad and arrogant presumption.

I am not simply saying stick to the old paradigm and be conservative but for heavens sake if you make a radical change seriously try it out on your target audience first. It isn't rocket science this.

Oct 26, 2011
9:11 PM EDT

In the proprietary world, it isn't migrating away, it's not upgrading.

Windows users don't migrate away from a bad Windows release, they simply avoid it if at all possible. Kind of like the Vista plague.

Oct 26, 2011
10:00 PM EDT
@ Gus...+1

I think TC mentioned the reoccurring problems from upgrade to upgrade. I ran into an instance of something that I fought with pre XP SP3. Every now and then, and seemingly for no reason, when you started your computer, it would try to install the latest windows installer software. It would get caught in a loop and it was hell to kill it. I believe it took a nasty registry hack to fix and even then, it would always come back....they always come back....braaaaiiiiinzzzzz, nom-nom. I ran into this again in Win7 SP1.

I guess Microbully knows a sure fire hit when they see one. This one seems to be one of their favorites. I hope they do an update for the Win8 release, such an old friend it has become.

Oct 27, 2011
6:35 AM EDT
And zombie hunters know what the only sure-fire hit is...

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