
Story: Takeoff with the K Desktop Environment’s best menu styleTotal Replies: 4
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Nov 08, 2011
7:29 PM EDT
I hate it; it looks like something right out of the cellphone-inspired UIs. Luckily, unlike with Unity and Gnome3, I don't have to use it with KDE, as I can just stick with the Classic menu, the regular menu, or the Lancelot menu (the ROSA menu sucks too, but even it looks better than this Takeoff one).

Nov 08, 2011
8:13 PM EDT
I looked at the article and was wondering where the menu was, then I realise, it's yet another mobile phone/tablet - touch screen menu system

Nov 08, 2011
8:38 PM EDT
That's the way Microsoft and Apple are going. Linux was there first, of course, but at least with Linux we have a real variety of choices. Still, not surprising that articles are pushing what they believe to be the direction the industry is going in.

Nov 08, 2011
11:29 PM EDT
that can only mean that linux is leading the industry. so we all missunderstood the year of linux on the desktop. it is not when the linux kernel is running on most desktop machines, but it is when linux defines how the desktop looks like and the industry follows.

greetings, eMBee.

Nov 09, 2011
3:02 AM EDT
I'm hooked on Alt-F2, so my menu is just the basic classic thing. I can can see value for some in all these fancepantsy menus, but as caitlyn points out, there's choice/variety so I choose simple.

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