the dumbest thing.....

Story: Why Gnome denies Theming -and the new Tweak Tool!Total Replies: 1
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Jul 08, 2012
1:05 AM EDT
Without a doubt in my mind, the default gnome icons are the ugliest blight I've seen in any file manager or desktop. I mean, the baby-poop green color is bad enough but the accompanying icons are way past dismal. I haven't installed Gnome3 or any iteration of it since it was hatched but if they are using the same icons as came default in Gnome2, that's a stain that should be removed immediately. Of course, this is my opinion and I am sure there are some that like them. I just don't see how...... Of course, as much of a fan of Mint as I am, I despise those as well. OD green is a color I've seen enough of.

I much more prefer a bit of customization.....


Jul 08, 2012
2:37 AM EDT
That looks nice. And useful. Those qualities are not allowed. I may have to report you.

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