And this pinpoints one of my biggest dislikes of DRM

Story: Sony's New German Ebookstore Features Thousands Of DRM-Free BooksTotal Replies: 2
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Dec 16, 2012
5:16 AM EDT
This paragraph says it all when you also bring in digital movies:

Quoting:As Hoffelder points out, you can't make that same claim about DRM-loaded ebooks. In nearly every case, the DRM is discarded easily by enterprising file sharers, or just as often by consumers, who strip their purchases of this handicap in order to move them to other devices -- or simply to make sure the publisher, bookstore or the DRM itself doesn't suddenly decide to render their purchases unavailable or useless. Some customers may download the pirated version even if they've purchased it, just to have an easily portable version unhampered by DRM. Why punish your paying customers in order to temporarily annoy/entertain infringers?

I am enjoying a tv series involving a writer and a very pretty detective (no guesses please, but if you thought about parapets, crenellations and drawbridges, you hit the mark). My absolutely legal, purchased copy runs perfectly on our dvd player, but I also want to watch it on my laptop for personal reasons. And it won't play because of some aspect of the odd DRM locks that have been put on it. I eventually got it going, but not because I altered VLC or Xine.....

And that really, really bugs me......why should I have to resort to any process other than just dropping MY PURCHASED PROPERTY into a disk drive and playing it ? It's not rented, it's mine. If I buy a can of Coke (yukkkkk), I can either drink it, polish coins with it or use it to water the garden because it's mine. Why should I be treated as an implicit criminal when all I want to do is just play my purchased property on the playback device I choose to play it on ? The sooner DRM is consigned to the rubbish tin of history the better.

Dec 17, 2012
5:34 AM EDT
Sony's abuse of it's customers is slated to be a generational thing if it keeps going like this. I calculated the numbers a few weeks ago when I was talking about how Sony mistreats the unsuspecting purchaser.

Since the rootkit debacle I have probably cost Sony just over 30K in sales by steering friends and family away from Sony purchases. I posted that dollar amount on the conservative side. In some cases, I have physically accompanied family members and friends to the retail store or web site to help them find an alternative to the Sony product they were thinking about buying. The only Sony products in my home or business have been ones bought second-hand.

There was a day when Sony products were far superior to their counterpart offerings but that hasn't been the case within the past few years. I just have to wonder how many other people have done the same since Kitgate.

Dec 17, 2012
12:00 PM EDT
What makes the whole thing so ridiculous is that the "file sharers" make it easier to play their free copies of the show than the legally purchased copy.

It's all a matter of incentives. DRM makes the incentive to NOT buy the licensed copy.

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