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Story: Exclusive: Ongoing malware attack targeting Apache hijacks 20,000 sitesTotal Replies: 2
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Apr 03, 2013
1:21 AM EDT
has to be the most poignant I've read in a long time.

daneren2005, Wise, Aged Ars Veteran, says:

Quoting:Every time another of these articles comes out, it makes me freak out and try to look at my home server and see if there is anything wrong with. Every time I quickly realize that I simply don't have the expertise to determine whether there is anything wrong with my server, and am doomed to never know whether my own server is being used to put viruses on my own machines or not :(


Apr 03, 2013
9:56 AM EDT
That's like always saying you're a mechanic and having your own custom built car...then when it breaks down, not knowing how to fix it.

If that's the case, why did you call yourself a mechanic all those years?

People should perform due diligence and learn about the systems they operate...learn enough about them that you can at least operate, support, and troubleshoot issues on them. Otherwise, it is negligence at it's highest example.

Apr 03, 2013
11:46 AM EDT
I suspect that this attack goes after a known vulnerability in Apache servers configured with ssh operating over port 80 & that allow root logins. This is probably similar to the vulnerability that effected Asterisk servers that had their administration exposed to the web... My guess is that it's yet another example of hacks setting up web servers without knowing what they're doing.

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