
Story: Michael Chertoff on Google GlassTotal Replies: 2
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May 08, 2013
1:08 PM EDT
This is NOT good news. Even I, a card carrying paranoid, had not considered the long range implications of this inevitable nightmare. What's even more scary is, like people proudly parading corporate logos as some sorta personal vision/declaration of self worth, these head mounted stop-light cameras will eventually all feed into one huge database. Why does NASA need to build a secret hear/know-all facility out in the boonies when ppl will be flocking like sheep to become unwitting recorder droids and unload unto Google ....jes cuz "it's cool." I'm a mere twenty miles away from the nearest McDs and WallyWorld. Time to move to more remote environs. ;)

May 08, 2013
2:41 PM EDT
Quoting:Why does NASA need to build a secret hear/know-all facility out in the boonies ...

I think you mean NSA.

May 08, 2013
5:01 PM EDT

I knew that didn't look right. ;)

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