Too many *buntu screenshot tours

Story: Ubuntu 13.10 Screenshot TourTotal Replies: 18
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Oct 30, 2013
4:25 PM EDT
How many screenshot tours of the same darn thing are we going to have to suffer through? My gosh, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Edubuntu, Gnomebuntu... every darn *buntu has had a screenshot tour published within the past few days. Yet, most reviewers have made a point of saying that nothing much has changed from 13.04 to 13.10. Then why the need for the screenshots? Evidently, some people have waaay too much time on their hands.

Oct 30, 2013
5:16 PM EDT
Here's a Slackware screenshot tour:

Enjoy :o)

Oct 30, 2013
6:11 PM EDT
Screenshot tours are nice for the Linux newbie, but even I have grown tired of them.

Oct 30, 2013
6:47 PM EDT
@ Kikinovak

Thanks! Something more refreshing...finally!!

Oct 30, 2013
7:10 PM EDT
*buntu screenshots are boring. What's interesting is screenshots of distros that are new - saves time trying the live CD by checking them out.

Oct 31, 2013
4:32 AM EDT
The differences in Ubuntu 13.10 and 13.04 may be negligible but for the people who do screenshot tours it looks far better on their site if they have screenshot tours of the latest version than a previous release.

Basically when someone goes to Google images and searches Ubuntu screenshots the latest ones will appear first.

For people that have used Linux for a while it seems pointless because we already know that Unity has a panel on the left, panel on the top and a dashboard but for people thinking of trying Ubuntu for the first time it is probably a useful resource.

Oct 31, 2013
5:41 AM EDT
I live in hope that someone will do a review of openSUSE ## with KDE ##.......We all KNOW it's the best distro and DE......ummm...don't we ??? LOL.

Oct 31, 2013
10:20 AM EDT
Video clips are more interesting and perceived better by people these days, I wonder why they don't make them.


Oct 31, 2013
10:33 AM EDT
Quoting:Video clips are more interesting and perceived better by people these days, I wonder why they don't make them.

Ack! Please, no, no, no, no, no. Why must I be punished by someone else's disagreeable choice in music? Why must I be punished to view potentially interesting articles merely to appease those who find reading a challenge?

Please, everyone, learn to read and write. The old saying 'Silence is golden' was not spoken without reason.

Oct 31, 2013
11:17 AM EDT
> I live in hope that someone will do a review of openSUSE ## with KDE ##.......We all KNOW it's the best distro and DE......ummm...don't we ??? LOL.

Sounds like a good LXer Feature to me. I wonder who's running SuSE that could make one?.... :)

Oct 31, 2013
11:23 AM EDT
I've got a screen-shot tour of Debian which featured many different DEs, showing how they all work together in harmony, flowers, birds singing, children dancing in the fields...

Oct 31, 2013
5:01 PM EDT
Jdixon, you have a mean streak. :-) Seriously though, there is another aspect to all these *buntu reviews again and again and again......and it only hit me after a good night's sleep.......It is simply that there are lots of newcomers all the time who need to know how easy it is to get the various *buntu versions up and running and (very shortly) because they are going to be forced to leave WinXP, *buntu (or summat else) just might be a good option. Look on them as adverts.....I agree totally and absolutely that it's boring, boring, boring, boring to us .....but it may not be so to someone who needs the info. 2c. :-)

Update.....Sorry Gary_newell......I just realised you had pretty much said the same thing. Oh well, consider it a failing of an antique. :-)

Oct 31, 2013
8:26 PM EDT
'Silence is golden' - turn off the sound?

greetings, eMBee.

Oct 31, 2013
8:42 PM EDT
Quoting:'Silence is golden' - turn off the sound?

Done. Frequently.

Unfortunately, many of those clips insist on providing almost all their information content verbally. <sigh> So not only must I suffer their choice of music, I must waste additional time as they stumble and search for words that inadequately conveys what they want say.

Some things are meant for videos, reviews of software however, are not.

Nov 01, 2013
4:28 AM EDT
"Some things are meant for videos, reviews of software however, are not."

Have you ever heard of Guru Larry? His reviews of retro games are excellent.

[url= larry] larry[/url]

Nov 01, 2013
9:46 AM EDT
I have seen quite a few good video reviews on YouTube. I admit though, that all those that I recall as "good" had no inserted music (no music that wasn't part of the reviewed software) other than perhaps for a few seconds at the beginning and/or the end.

Nov 01, 2013
11:48 AM EDT
Quoting:The old saying 'Silence is golden' was not spoken without reason.

As cited by others, video clips could be very beneficial to new comers to Linux who want to get a quick idea about what Linux is and can do. Many of the screenshot tours are very poorly made. viewers have to click to get to every next slide and many times the whole screen have to be refreshed and adjusted to get a good look.

They can be much more attractive, appealing and less hassle to watch for those who are interested by including nice music, which as stated before, can be turned off if desired, and add text embedded where necessary and appropriate.

What else is there to complain about! You don't like their presence? Sorry, this is the Internet.


Nov 01, 2013
2:24 PM EDT
Quoting:You don't like their presence? Sorry, this is the Internet.

'Tis true. And as it is the internet, I reserve my right to piss and moan just like everyone else.

Nov 01, 2013
2:51 PM EDT
Hey now, I don't moan...

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