Good point

Story: Who helps your Linux distribution run smoothly? Thank a packager todayTotal Replies: 2
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Feb 19, 2014
3:22 PM EDT
This is something that we don't talk about much actually.

My personal thanks to all packagers as well. It can be a thankless task and one of those jobs that makes a huge difference to lives of developers and general users alike with often little or no kudos.

Feb 19, 2014
4:38 PM EDT
I try to make a point of plugging in on some level to the communities connected with the distros I run. Maybe only to post, "I'm running this and thank you for making it available", but sometimes I can toss off "I had this problem, this is how I fixed it" posts in the forums or send minor bug reports to the maintainers.

Sometimes open source is like sending CQ: you never know if it was just code practice until somebody replies.

Feb 19, 2014
5:56 PM EDT
indeed, i used to enjoy packaging: but despite how easy conary makes it, it still isn't as exciting as writing code for me.

all the more reason to thank others for doing the work.

greetings, eMBee.

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