Nice idea, ERP self-implmentation... but...

Story: An open source ERP system built to self-implementTotal Replies: 1
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Nov 04, 2014
1:47 PM EDT
As an ERP consultant who has clients in what seems to be the target audience, small businesses, I can tell you there is no way ANY of my clients could implement an ERP system for themselves. I don't care HOW easy the authors try to make it. I always encourage my clients to learn and explore their ERP systems on their own, but we are talking about ACCOUNTING people here and, well, mine can barely point and click (no offense to accounting professionals, I'm also an accountant, just a really geeky one, lol), and most of them can't even find a file after downloading it... and so... it would be a disaster, even if they could FIND the time to do it themselves. They would rather just pay me to do things for them - they know it will get done fast and right. The staff at my clients are so overworked, each doing a workload for two people at least, that they don't have time to implement anything, let alone an ERP system. And even though they *claim* to be accounting people, very few have any grasp of GAAP (they think its a clothing store). However, I do VERY MUCH like the idea of ERPNext... and think it would be good for clients who are sick of being held ransom by their proprietary ERP systems. Granted, I make a commission off selling those (not as much as you would think, though, given the time and effort put into a sale) but I would love for there to be an open-source ERP system that was free and robust enough for most any business model... and I would love to implement ERPNext for clients, to ensure its done right... and to help promote open-source software, in which I firmly believe and to which I subscribe...

Nov 04, 2014
11:00 PM EDT
> I can tell you there is no way ANY of my clients could implement an ERP system for themselves.

Which is why you build and implement it for them. :)

> ...but I would love for there to be an open-source ERP system that was free and robust enough for most any business model... and I would love to implement ERPNext for clients, to ensure its done right... and to help promote open-source software, in which I firmly believe and to which I subscribe...

Exactly. You're the target market, not your clients.

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