Can we stop with the screenshot tours already?

Story: Xubuntu 15.04 Beta 2 Screenshot TourTotal Replies: 4
Author Content

Mar 29, 2015
3:50 PM EDT
It seems like in the past few days, Lxer has been bombarded by "articles" that are screenshot tours of the latest various OSs. All of these OSs run KDE, Gnome, MATE, XFCE, LXDE or some other COMMON desktop environment. Sorry, but a screenshot of the file manager on Ubuntu Gnome 15.04 looks exactly the same as a screenshot of any other distribution running Gnome and nautilus file manager. Likewise for KDE, LXDE, Cinnamon, etc. Unless a distribution has some unique tools that it bundles, or a unique desktop environment such as Pinguy OS, Budgie, or Elementary OS then there is no reason for these screenshot tours for every single point release.

Mar 29, 2015
4:41 PM EDT
Aw,... I kinda like the screenshot tours... It's nice to see what visual tweaks the distros are making and what they are setting up as default... They're nice, low brainpower, diversion articles. They're perfect for when you kinda wanta veg., but still want to think a tiny bit.

Mar 30, 2015
1:54 PM EDT
+1 for screenshot posts. Beats having to download and burn the ISO just to see what it looks like.

Mar 30, 2015
10:07 PM EDT

The screenshots serve a purpose for those who are new to Linux and are seeking information perhaps for the first time.

Mar 30, 2015
11:49 PM EDT
> The screenshots serve a purpose for those who are new to Linux and are seeking information perhaps for the first time.

Yes. And those who have no interest don't have to click on the links.

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