
Story: Using Putty to remotely open GUI applicationsTotal Replies: 13
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Apr 08, 2015
9:45 AM EDT
Running putty on GNU/Linux is like a sacrilege. Putty is for Windows users. That's my overly judgmental comment of the day.

ssh -X user@host
has always worked just fine for me, if running a remote X11 app is desired.

Apr 08, 2015
9:51 AM EDT
"But what we cannot do is launch a GUI application for viewing content present in the remote node. This is the disadvantage of using ssh in a terminal."

Yeah, this is somebody who doesn't seem to know much about ssh...

Apr 08, 2015
10:12 AM EDT
I've never been able to configure ssh to see my raspi's desktop. I've tried everything I can find on the web pertaining to ssh, with no luck. I finally loaded xrdp on the raspi and used Slackware's included rdesktop to see/operate it. Problem solved, but I'd sure like to know why ssh does not work for me.

Apr 08, 2015
10:29 AM EDT

ssh -X

doesn't show the 'desktop'. X11 is a display server. If you have a local and a remote server running, ssh -X "connects" the two servers -- sort of... this means if you start an X11 application on the remote connection command line terminal, the application window will be displayed on the local X11 server's display.

If you want to use the entire remote X11 display, you will need to VPN to the remote display. However, the overhead network traffic is quite high for a VPN connection versus passing a single application's traffic.

Apr 08, 2015
12:34 PM EDT
ssh -Y is a more trusted variant of X11 forwarding and recommended over -X

greetings, eMBee.

Apr 08, 2015
1:32 PM EDT
I think that ljmp meant to type VNC rather than VPN.

Where I work we have some Raspberry Pi units that we use as terminals for Windows 7 virtual machine instances running on a server. They connect to Windows using rdesktop and for remote help we have them in turn sharing out their desktops as VNC sessions. Should the Windows virtual machines become corrupted or infected they are easily replaced with snapshot images, and the Raspberry Pi terminals can be "rebuilt" by inserting a new SD card with a fresh image on it. The performance is better than you might expect and quite acceptable even using the original Model B. Generally they are well liked where we use them because users have fewer problems with them than with full computers. Of course, we can't use terminals for everyone, but they've worked very well where we can use them.

We also have some HP terminals being used the same way, but since the Model B+ came out with two more USB ports we don't really see any need for the HP terminals. There is no significant difference in performance (that is mostly dependent on the server).

Apr 08, 2015
1:50 PM EDT

Nope... I meant VPN. VNC is a type of VPN client/server -- and so is xrdp -- and there are many others.

Of course, there are some arguments to be had over nomenclature -- but it's all nearly the same idea, just lots of different re-inventions of the same wheel.

Incidentally, ssh can be used to tunnel many different kinds of traffic. It's tons of fun to tunnel some http traffic... and then for kicks tunnel back into the original machine through multiple hops... and then run an X11 application, while watching the traffic flow through the entire loop.


The -Y option sets the Trusted to 'true' :

$man ssh wrote: ForwardX11Trusted If this option is set to ''yes'', remote X11 clients will have full access to the original X11 display.

If this option is set to ''no'', remote X11 clients will be considered untrusted and prevented from stealing or tampering with data belonging to trusted X11 clients. Furthermore, the xauth(1) token used for the session will be set to expire after 20 minutes. Remote clients will be refused access after this time.

The default is ''no''.

See the X11 SECURITY extension specification for full details on the restrictions imposed on untrusted clients.

I don't use it... but then again, I generally like my vim, tar, and scp.

Apr 08, 2015
2:28 PM EDT
@notbob, have you looked into XDMCP in Xnest or Xephyr?

Apr 08, 2015
2:49 PM EDT
oh, darn, looks like i missread the meaning of -Y. i'll need to change my habits! thanks for pointing that out!

greetings, eMBee.

Apr 08, 2015
2:58 PM EDT
My turn:

oh darn! it looks like I'm a bit backa__wards with VPN/VNC terms... oh well.

Anyway, the idea is:

tunnel a remotely run X application's data through ssh to the local X11 server.


connect to the remote X11 server via some screen capture software which sends the screen capture data + commands to run the application across the network...

Apr 08, 2015
4:15 PM EDT
I just wanted to add that by default in Linux or other Unix like operating systems VNC will serve out its own X display and not that of the local user (assuming a local X is even running). Of course you can serve out the local X (which is what we do with the Raspberry Pi's we use at my workplace), but you have to specifically do that. By default VNC will basically act as a terminal server on Linux.

Apr 08, 2015
4:28 PM EDT
CFWhitman wrote:you can serve out the local X

That's what I do with my TV "media box", so my notebook and my TV screen are looking at, and interacting with, the same X display over VNC. It's a very elegant "remote control".

I just love the power and flexibility of Linux!!

Apr 08, 2015
4:47 PM EDT
@gus3 ....no, I have not, but thank you for the heads-up. I'll check both out more closely after I get my raspi up and running, again.


Apr 09, 2015
5:33 PM EDT
I use x11vnc for serving out my local X on my TV box works just great, is lightweight or as lightweight as this sort of thing can get it has a GUI but I just use it via CLI as its simple enough and the GUI is quite primitive I think its an old TK'l based thing.

Here is how to share your local X using X11VNC

x11vnc -shared -forever -passwd yourpasswrd -loop100

-loop100 option just means that should x11vnc for whatever reason should error it will restart itself after 100ms.

-shared means it allows multiple clients to connect

-forever means it wont shutdown when clients disconnect.

And I have one machine setup to accept ssh -X user@host sessions which also works great.

Can honestly say I have never had any trouble getting these to work on the distro's I use, ie Linux Mint or Slackware can't speak for other distros obviously.

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