The USA sucks

Story: Here comes the first Ubuntu Linux tabletTotal Replies: 2
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Feb 04, 2016
6:52 PM EDT
Why are all the good FOSS devices only produced for or in Europe?

Can't the USA market let go of the iMarked-up-1000% devices?

I even had to get my Universal Programmer [which is not FOSS nor Open hardware] from Germany, because the USA sucks:

It's an awesome programmer, BTW.

Feb 04, 2016
7:14 PM EDT
> Can't the USA market let go of the iMarked-up-1000% devices?

Not with the regulatory hurdles the federal government and the various states put in the way of small businesses, no.

Feb 04, 2016
10:17 PM EDT
> Not with the regulatory hurdles the federal government and the various states put in the way of small businesses, no.

That pretty much sums up the supply side situation in the US.

But, then there's also the demand side, and it doesn't mind "renting" expensive gadgets from Apple. I say "renting" because they are designed to be obsolete and replaced every year, and Apple decides what you can run on them and how much to gouge you for every app.

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