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Story: Google to give 6 months' warning for 2018 Chrome adblockalypseTotal Replies: 2
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Jun 04, 2017
8:15 AM EDT
So now the wolf will guard the sheep?

I only hope Google's overreach on ad content control wakes people up to just how much profiting power Google has over the internet. But if we ask government to intervene, they will just overreach as well and find a way to hurt online businesses even more with draconian regulations.

At the least, I hope to see this erode Chrome's user base.

Jun 04, 2017
12:45 PM EDT
i agree with the general sentiment. it is fishy that google gets to decide what is an acceptable ad and what is not. however, google has shown that ads don't need to be invasive, and i believe that the filtering of other existing ad-blockers would produce the same results.

to avoid any suspicion all google would need to do is to use the filter rules of say adblock plus, and that way, allow a neutral party to decide what gets blocked. that would effectively mean that chrome provides adblock plus by default.

in the long run i hope that all browsers copy the idea, and that they define a standard on what is an acceptable ad that is the same on all browsers.

greetings, eMBee.

Jun 04, 2017
1:36 PM EDT
I prefer Brave.

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