it's not an alternative until it get's popular

Story: Free and Open Source Skype Alternative Ring 1.0 Released!Total Replies: 1
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Aug 01, 2017
12:34 AM EDT
(this is a rant)

i love how things get called an alternative for skype, when the main problem with skype is not finding an alternative for it (there are plenty of alternative options) but getting people to actually use one of them!

you can't demand from your potential customers that they install a new application so you can talk to them and sell them your services.

try it in your family, and the result is most likely that they won't talk to you.

and if you try it with your friends, you'll end up being successful by finding new friends.

is there a solution? i sure hope so. and maybe ring is the solution. but it's not an alternative to skype until it starts killing it...

greetings, eMBee.

Aug 01, 2017
6:28 AM EDT
Google hangouts works fairly well for anyone that has a Google account or an Android phone.

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