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Qubes Version 4.0 Released, Purism Laptops Shipping Quickly, New Rust Version 1.25.0 and More

News briefs for March 29, 2018.

Mini-ITX dev kit expands upon new i.MX8M module

Intrinsyc announced a Mini-ITX development kit for a wireless-enabled “Open-X 8M SOM” module that runs Linux or Android 8.0 on a quad-core i.MX8M SoC. Intrinsyc announced the Open-X 8M SOM a month ago and has now followed up with a Mini-ITX form factor Open-X 8M Development Kit built around the module.

Weekend Reading: Raspberry Pi Projects

The Raspberry Pi has been very popular among hobbyists and educators ever since its launch in 2011. It’s a credit-card-sized single-board computer with a Broadcom BCM 2835 SoC, 256MB to 512MB of RAM, USB ports, GPIO pins, Ethernet, HDMI out, camera header and an SD card slot.

IPFire: A User-Friendly Linux Firewall Distribution

IPFire is an open source Linux distribution geared specifically for the task of firewalls. This particular distribution is hardened, secure, easy to operate, and ready to serve enterprise, small-to-medium businesses, and even home users. IPFire was designed for users new to firewalling, so it places a premium on user-friendliness.

Happy 20th Anniversary to Mozilla, New pfSense Version, Android HiddenMiner Malware and More

News briefs for March 30, 2018.

LG re-open sources WebOS, a look at the AI behind the Pixel 2's camera, and more news

  • (Posted by bob on Mar 31, 2018 8:41 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
In this edition of our open source news roundup, we take a look LG making WebOS open source (again), Google's camera AI tools, a 3D printed stethoscope, and more. Open source news roundup for March 18-31, 2018 read more

Best Content Management System

WordPress is the Content Manager System winner in the 2018 Linux Journal Readers' Choice Awards.

This Week in Open Source News: The Open Networking Summit Edition

  • (Posted by bob on Mar 31, 2018 2:58 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Roundups; Groups: Linux
This week in open source and Linux news, The Linux Foundation and other organization gathered in Los Angeles this week to collaborate and break major industry news, including AI and 5G developments

Docker founder Solomon Hykes leaves day-to-day running of container company

The face of Docker, the leading container company, Solomon Hykes, is stepping down. Insiders knew this had been coming for months, but today, Solomon Hykes, Docker's founder, announced he was leaving day-to-day work at the leading container company.

Creating Kubernetes liveness and readiness probes

  • (Posted by bob on Mar 30, 2018 8:01 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
One of the main advantages of using Kubernetes is its ability to maintain containers running in a cluster: Simply create a pod resource, let Kubernetes choose a worker node for it, and it will run the pod’s containers on that node. But what if a container or a pod fails? read more

Meet OpenAuto, an Android Auto emulator for Raspberry Pi

In 2015, Google introduced Android Auto, a system that allows users to project certain apps from their Android smartphones onto a car's infotainment display. Android Auto's driver-friendly interface, with larger touchscreen buttons and voice commands, aims to make it easier and safer for drivers to control navigation, music, podcasts, radio, phone calls, and more while keeping their eyes on the road. read more

Civil Infrastructure Platform wants Linux to save civilization

At the Embedded Linux Conference conference, Civil Infrastructure Platform contributor Yoshitake Kobayashi talks about the CIP project’s progress in bringing a 10-year SLTS Linux kernel to the world of power plants and transportation systems. “The Civil Infrastructure Platform is the most conservative of The Linux Foundation projects,” began Yoshitake Kobayashi at the recent Embedded Linux […]

Easy data validation in Perl with Regexp::Common

  • (Posted by bob on Mar 30, 2018 9:33 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Building regular expressions in Perl can be a little bit tricky, particularly for the newcomer. It's a powerful technique, but even experienced Perl developers can sometimes find themselves checking the documentation to make sure they've got it right. Another common issue with regular expressions lies in the common expressions we use all the time; it seems like we're forever re-inventing the wheel! But, for this problem at least, there is a useful answer. read more

FOSS Project Spotlight: CloudMapper, an AWS Visualization Tool

Duo Security has released CloudMapper, an open-source tool for visualizing Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud environments.

Linux-driven modules and SBC tap i.MX8, i.MX8M, and iMX8X

Phytec is prepping three PhyCore COMs based on NXP’s Cortex-A53 based i.MX8M, its -A53 and -A72 equipped i.MX8 Quad, and its -A35 based i.MX8X. Also up: an SBC based on the i.MX8M module. Phytec has posted product pages for three PhyCore modules, all of which support Linux and offer a -40 to 85°C temperature range.

Build a baby monitor with a Raspberry Pi

Hong Kong can be hot and humid, even at night, and many people use air conditioning to make their homes more bearable. When my oldest son was a baby, the air conditioning unit in his bedroom had manual controls and no thermostat functionality. It was either on or off, and allowing it to run continuously overnight caused the room to get cold and wasted energy and money. read more

How to configure multiple websites with Apache web server

In my last post, I explained how to configure an Apache web server for a single website. It turned out to be very easy. In this post, I will show you how to serve multiple websites using a single instance of Apache. Note: I wrote this article on a virtual machine using Fedora 27 with Apache 2.4.29. If you have another distribution or release of Fedora, the commands you will use and the locations and content of the configuration files may be different. read more

SUSE bakes a Raspberry Pi-powered GNU/Linux Enterprise Server

Industry can have a slice of steaming supported stability ... if it can afford to pay SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3 (SLES) has been released for the diminutive Raspberry Pi computer.…

Python ChatOps libraries: Opsdroid and Errbot

This article was co-written with Lacey Williams Henschel. ChatOps is conversation-driven development. The idea is you can write code that is executed in response to something typed in a chat window. As a developer, you could use ChatOps to merge pull requests from Slack, automatically assign a support ticket to someone from a received Facebook message, or check the status of a deployment through IRC. read more

Billions at stake as Oracle beats Google in latest Android Java API legal dustup

VIDEO: The jury ruled that Google didn't owe Oracle any money for its use of Java's APIs in Android, but the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit disagreed and overruled the jury. Software development as a whole and billions of dollars are now at stake.

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