Showing headlines posted by KernelShepard

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How the Swedish Pirate Party Platform Backfires on Free Software

The bullying of the copyright industry in Sweden inspired the launch of the first political party whose platform is to reduce copyright restrictions: the Pirate Party. Its platform includes the prohibition of Digital Restrictions Management, legalization of noncommercial sharing of published works, and shortening of copyright for commercial use to a five-year period. Five years after publication, any published work would go into the public domain.

When Zeal Becomes Zealotry: A Tawdry Tale

I love zeal. Zeal is enthusiasm, it's zest, it's drive, it's initiative. Zeal builds communities. Unfortunately, in some individuals, zeal turns to zealotry, and zealotry does just the opposite. This a long posting, but it provides an excellent example of what I'm talking about, and I hope you'll take the time to read it.

Mono outpaces Java in Linux desktop development

"Mono is clearly more popular than Java. I've been using desktop Linux as my primary desktop for three to four years, and use just a handful of Java apps day to day," O’Grady said.

MonoDevelop on Windows

Besides the efforts to make MonoDevelop play nice in MacOS X, we've also been doing progress in the Windows side.

Supercomputing Mono

Even though the ECMA standard allows the index of arrays to be a long, .NET on Windows64 does not support this and Java would require modifications to the bytecode format. Altering Mono became the natural choice for those looking to host very large arrays in an advanced and managed VM.

Microsoft releases ASP.NET under the MS-PL License

Scott Guthrie ---the inventor of ASP.NET--- just announced that Microsoft is open sourcing the ASP.NET MVC stack under the MS-PL license.

Coyote Linux Switches to Mono for Admin Tools

One of the biggest changes to this release of Coyote Linux is the use of C# as the primary development language used for most of the administration, configuration, and maintenance utilities.

Moonshine brings Windows Media to Linux

Moonshine is both a Firefox browser plug-in and a desktop player. The plug-in can be downloaded and installed just like any other Firefox extension. The desktop player, which plays WMV/WMA content on your PC through Firefox, has to be built from source code.

GNOME Shell Status - 2009-02-09

GNOME-Shell is an experimental new desktop environment for GNOME bringing together a lot of new user interface ideas and new technologies in hopes of bringing desktop users something more intuitive.

Moonlight 1.0 goes live

Moonlight, the open source implementation of Silverlight for Unix systems has officially reached its 1.0 level. We are feature complete, we pass all the Microsoft regression test suites and we shipped support for Microsoft's Media Pack for x86 and x86-64 architectures.

Announcing Moonshine, the project never formerly known as Pornilus

Moonshine is a project based on Moonlight that leverages the built-in Windows Media capabilities of Silverlight to bring Windows Media playback to Linux in a fully legitimate way, without forcing the end user worry about what a codec is. This is possible because Microsoft provides the codecs directly to all Moonlight users, regardless of their choice of Linux distribution.

The case for supporting and using Mono

  • InfoWorld; By Neil McAllister (Posted by KernelShepard on Feb 6, 2009 9:29 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Ximian
Novell's open-source .Net clone is alive and well, and it's turning up in surprising, useful places. You may remember Mono, the open-source implementation of Microsoft's .Net platform spearheaded by Miguel de Icaza of Gnome fame. It's been a controversial project since its inception. Detractors among the open-source community have variously described it as a trap, a kludge, or simply a waste of effort.

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