Showing headlines posted by Libervis

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GPLv3: What is an alternative solution?

Kernel developers criticize GPLv3, FSF responds to "misleading information" and Linus Torvalds praises GPLv2. But certain questions remain unasnwered. If GPLv2 is so great and GPLv3 is so bad, how do we address DRM and software patents, and prevent GPLv2 "quid pro quo" from being circumvented?

GPLv3: recent misleading information

The Free Software Foundation wishes to clarify a few factual points about the Second Discussion Draft of GNU GPL version 3, on which recent discussion has presented inaccurate information.

GPLv3 is to preserve Free Software, not kill it

A group of important Linux kernel developers have recently published a position statement on GPLv3, as reported by Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols in a story with a rather alarmist title: "GPLv3 could kill open source, top Linux dev's warn". In truth, the goal is exactly and essentially just the opposite.

GNU/Linux vs. Mac: Why Apple will not dominate?

Unlike Windows and GNU/Linux, Mac OS X is tied to computers made only by one manufacturer: Apple. If you run Mac OS X you ought to be running an Apple computer. It is in fact easier to run some other operating system on Apple computers than it is to run Mac OS X on other type of computers. And this is just a clue to the point behind this article. It is about the Apple way, its biggest strength and at the same time the biggest weakness, or at least a reason behind the currently evident fact that Apple cannot dominate the desktop market.

Friendly “Help me choose a distro!” forum

A new online forum has been created on devoted to helping new GNU/Linux users choose their first distribution. As fas as I know, it’s the first anly only online online forum when you can ask a question “Which distro should I pick?” without getting bashed.

Do not trust Freenigma!

It seems someone invented another way to combine PGP encryption with webmail: Freenigma. Unlike Hushmail, it works with existing webmail accounts. I have to admit I didn't read any of the Freenigma code, only their (short) FAQ, but still I feel this service should not be trusted at all until some things are fixed and some other things are explained.

Proprietary file format lock in

This I feel is the greatest problem for people, especially academics when wanting to switch to GNU/Linux. Many people in my family work at universities in the UK. These people would happily switch to GNU/Linux tomorrow if it could run their .doc and other proprietary file formats properly.

React OS: Windows done right

No it is not Windows. It does look and feel like Windows, but this baby is Free Software, an operating system called React OS. Why does it look like Windows? Because React OS is a project of developing a Microsoft Windows compatible operating system. It is supposed to run programs and even drivers meant for Windows and it is supposed to look like Windows so that former Windows users can ease right into it without feeling that scary feeling: the difference.

How Microsoft is loosing(sic) to GNU/Linux

If "a year of GNU/Linux on the desktop" is defined as a year when GNU/Linux has finally started its steady encroachment to the desktop then 2006 is the year. Alot of users have started using GNU/Linux on their desktops long before, but it is 2006 which marked the two probably biggest GNU/Linux desktop releases to date, Ubuntu Dapper and Novell SuSE 10. It is 2006 which marks the biggest opportunity for GNU/Linux to steal the desktop market share from Windows due to the bad reputation behind the pending Windows Vista release.

No English Allowed

Last week saw a bunch of rather heated comments on one of our marketing lists ( The topic had drifted off from setting up local NPOs to handle marketing funds to the creating of an English Native-Lang project for . I replied, as it was expected, that there would be no english Native-Lang project, at least in a foreseeable future. I wanted to explain the reasons behind such an answer here..

An overview of modern fancy UNIX desktop systems

In the last few months, there has been a lot of talk about Xgl, compiz, AIGLX et cetera. It seams that "Xgl" has become a synonym for fancy desktop on Linux - but noone seems to talk about the alternatives or how it all works. I have had a little look into this and am going to summarize it for y'all.

Are you qualified to bash GNU/Linux?

When was the last time you tried GNU/Linux? What flavor did you try? If you tried it long time ago and if your choice of distribution wasn't an informed one then it's likely your conclusions on GNU/Linux as it is *today* will be false.

Compilation of Videos on Free Culture and Free Software

This is a nice list of some of the best educational and promotional videos on Free Software/Open Source and Free Culture, from The Corruptibles to the Lawrence Lessigs speech. The list may expand.

The Anti-Singularity

Could we be heading towards the end of all technological proggress? If "Trusted Computing" initiatives with their "Digital Rights Management" (DRM) have their way, we may be. welcomes community participation

The founder of explains the goals of and expresses a desire to build a community around the site to help further improve it. New forum section has been opened at for that purpose and is accessible through

Get GNU/Linux dot org

Ever wondered where to refer everyday people who wanted to know more about GNU/Linux? This site is your answer.

[I like it, this is the site I would send my Mom too - Scott]

Linux Kernel Compilation

  •; By "dylunio" (Posted by Libervis on Jul 8, 2006 12:55 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
From time to time you may need to install the Linux (the kernel) manually, this may be to get some new feature you want, or just to see what it's like. This is a brief guide to compiling your own customized Linux kernel.

The Dark Side of the Plugin

Leader of the Native Lang confederation raises suspicions about Microsoft's ODF converter plugin. joins with

After discussing ways in which the two sites could cooperate for the mutual benefit we have decided to join and communities to create a bigger and better Free Software support community at

Experiencing Ubuntu Dapper 6.06 (step by step with screenshots)

This is a comprehensive review of the new Ubuntu Dapper Drake 6.06 experience featuring a good deal of nice screenshots from before installation, every step of the install and post installation.

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