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No fame, no blame, we win anyway

"This is the attitude I think should be demonstrated by the team of the project: it already won. The community already won. We won. Almost 10 thousand dollars is in the bank and we'll use it, one way or another, to promote the biggest collective representative of Free Software, GNU/Linux."

OpenMoko update: Some light ahead

Sean Moss Pultz updated us on the status of the OpenMoko and Neo1973. Looks like things are going well. Here is the announcement.

A new Spring season for

"My trip to Hamburg was the occasion to visit the Sun's team, that is, the original team behind and StarOffice. I had a great time there, and the Hamburg team was a very pleasant company. I found out that and Sun in general are in a much better shape than they were just 8 months ago."

Mobile GNU/Linux support forum now open

Right after the launch of we have asked the community whether it would be a good idea to open a support forum for open mobile devices. The question was posted over at and on the OpenMoko mailing list. After holding the poll up for a while the results were positive. New open mobile support forum is now available in form of a Mobile GNU/Linux subforum at

OpenMoko Update

Sean Moss-Pultz updates the OpenMoko community on behalf of the OpenMoko team regarding the progress of the project as it moves towards the Phase 1 of its development. It looks like there may be some delays due to certain hardware issues, and stability and quality are a priority.

Using external file devices in Linux: Climbing the "mount" command

In my four years of using Linux, it has gotten a lot better about automatically detecting and mounting devices; in particular, I almost never have to mount hard drives or cd-roms manually any more. Other devices, however, remain problematic. You may never have to use the mount command in Linux. You may also win the lottery jackpot; I wouldn't bet on either. This article is intended to help new users save a lot of the time and trouble that I have gone through.

When Free Speech is not Free Speech

"If we protect ones freedom to speak against the freedom of another to do the same, we are protecting the complete opposite of freedom. We are protecting oppression. Administrators who don't understand this are in fact condoning oppression on their sites."

Fast forward with a Kazehakase web browser

Kazehakase aims is to be lightweight (small memory footprint) and yet modern, user friendly, fully functional and innovative alternative to Firefox. And in its early releases it seems to be accomplishing just that.

Taking over the world, one GNU/Linux PC at a time

"A reasoning which suggests that merely making GNU/Linux "just work", even if we need to put proprietary software in by default, will open the doors to the mass market is flawed. It can't get us this far as long as people are required to actually install it to be able to use it." Now let's build some 100% proprietary fat free PCs, shall we?

Libervis Network joins the open mobile revolution

"This announcement marks the official launch of the third web site being added to Libervis Network,, a project of promoting Free Software and Free Standards in the world of mobile devices, from phones to mp3 (and ogg) players to various other mobile gadgets."

An invitation to Dell

The community took Dell's to the word. John McCreesh, the lead of the Marketing Project, wrote an open letter to Michael Dell and invited Dell to work with in order to install on Dell's computers.

OpenMoko needs your help

Sean Moss-Pultz has relayed an announcement email, titled "Crossroads", on the OpenMoko mailing list. They need your help in finding the right wifi vendor, one with free (GPL) drivers, and they have a shortage of developers.

An alternative anti-theft mechanism for OLPC

The anti-theft mechanism for the One Laptop Per Child computer has some problems because it depends on a central authority. An alternative mechanism that relies only on the laptops is possible. This alternative relies on biometrics (but doesn't trust those) and information provided by a laptops' peers.

Ubuntu Conference in Zagreb, Croatia

On Saturday, March 31st 2007, there will be a first Ubuntu conference held in Croatia. Here is the translation of the conference info site,

On keeping an open mind

"It has happened that at the very mention of ESR among some GNU supporters, they basically "cover their ears", refusing to hear anything about him or anything that he may have to say. Linking them with the World Domination 201 essay co-authored by ESR resulted in refusal to read it simply because it was written by ESR." and World Domination

"The more I think about it, the more I am concerned that the "World Domination 201" plan at work here is more about the domination of a yet another mixed operating system and not the world domination of software freedom."

Remote file management with konqueror and kate

Use konqueror and kate for your remote file management. These two are born to work together.

Multilingual about to form "GNU/Linux Matters" association

Now translated to the fourth language, Catalan, and with more to come, announces a formation of the "GNU/Linux Matters" association based in France, in order to promote the adoption of GNU/Linux.

Nobody can stop us from selling Linux!

"I guess that my readers will appreciate this intolerable way of handling their code and contributions to Free and Open Source software. Don't worry, the entire community, from the BSD proponents to the FSF will never do this as well. Yet some people out there seem to think they are entitled to do it. "

Richard Stallman on "World Domination 201"

"To "argue" in favor of adding non-free software in GNU/Linux distros is almost superfluous, since that's what nearly all of them have already done. This reflects the general spinelessness of our community."

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