Showing headlines posted by Libervis

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An overview of FLOSS email clients

"Today I would like to discuss the present state of Free & Open Source email clients. I do not intend to present a comprehensive state of the art of email clients but rather to share my experiences over several years as an user who has accumulated gigabytes of emails. I will mention non-Free Software applications such as Outlook and Apple Mail, which I also used. "

How to mirror an internet audio stream (using Icecast)

Sometimes you might run into an internet radio station or stream that you like, but which keeps dropping out because of too many people listening. So what can you do about it? This tutorial shows you how to use Icecast2 to set up a simple stream mirror on Linux.

It is alright to be just a Linux user

"Being a GNU/Linux user is a peculiar thing in that you stand a great chance of being pulled into such hard to define brackets such as "Linux community", "Free Software community" or "Open Source community". Words such as "community", "sharing" and "cooperation" are tossed around so much that it really shouldn't be so surprising that some have went so far as to compare the FOSS (Free Open Source Software) phenomenon with some sort of a communist or socialist ideology."

Ideas can be owned

"A lot of the past discussions on this site involved the question of idea ownership, mostly as part of the overall discourse on Free Software. I've usually been the one to state that ideas cannot be owned or at the very least fall under some sort of collective ownership. Today, however, I believe I was wrong. Not only do I no longer believe in collective ownership, but I do believe that ideas can and are being owned as good old fashioned private property."

Selling Freedomware: It's about what THEY want.

"Put a price tag on the Freedomware experience. Brand it in various interesting ways and market it in such a way for it to appear as a clear answer to the questions they actually ARE asking, the things that they actually ARE looking for."

The Great Firewall of Net Neutrality

"The discussion of net neutrality intersects a broad array of issues. I have discussed a number of them in the past and this piece will focus on a couple areas, namely prioritization and discriminatory practices." -- An interesting article on why net neutrality legislation is a bad idea.

Death of a filesystem(?)

"Over the last months there were repeating news about the murder on Nina Reiser by her husband Hans Reiser, known in the community for his work on his filesystems ReiserFS and Reiser4." "What I want to deal with here are the consequences of this "story" that may be in store for Reiser's filesystems."

Create video animations with Inkscape, ImageMagick and FFmpeg

"Want to create an animation on GNU/Linux and then convert it to a video file? Well here is one way to do it that does not involve GIMP Animation Package (GAP)."

Debunking the Debunked WINE Myths

"The following paper I wrote a few months ago because I got sick and tired of seeing people switching to GNU/Linux only to continue to run their Windows programs without even bothering to look for alternatives. Of course, they all used either WINE or Cedega to achieve this. Since I am active in testing WINE for a few select Windows-only applications, my views on what WINE should be used for differs greatly from others." re-launches to explore the power of technology

"I believe that if we don't find ways to use technology to the benefit of our freedoms, it will be used by others to its detriment. Is there really anything in between? Somehow our past experiences and current concerns don't inspire confidence. "

Nvidia says no to free drivers, I say no to Nvidia

"Bottom line is. Nvidia, you say no to freedomware drivers, I say no to you. How about that? Perhaps with enough people in the market acting on that same sentiment will make the value of NVIDIA's precious "intellectual property" suddenly seem trivial."

Freedomware conquers the mobile world

"Not long after buying Trolltech, along with their Qtopia platform which they promised to keep as freedomware, Nokia is buying Symbian and, best of all, releasing it as freedomware via the Symbian Foundation under support of numerous mobile related businesses such as AT&T, T-Mobile, Vodafone, Samsung, Texas Instruments and many others. This is quite impressive news considering that Symbian has the majority market share in this market."

Morals, Force and Freedomware

  •; By Danijel Orsolic (libervisco) (Posted by Libervis on Jun 22, 2008 4:03 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Community
"I would rather live in a free market where proprietary software has 90% market share than in a state where Free Software is enforced by law."

Fedora 9 (critical) review

  •; By Dennis Wronka (reptiler) (Posted by Libervis on May 31, 2008 5:26 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Fedora
"As I, since 1999, am a KDE-User this post is being written in Konqueror, version 4 now, as Fedora 9 drops KDE 3 and goes full speed onto the new shiny KDE 4."

Free Hans Reiser?

  •; By Danijel Orsolic (libervisco) (Posted by Libervis on May 2, 2008 6:58 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Editorial; Groups: Community
"So how about someone gets a god damn hint here and starts questioning? Are there any geeks out there, who are well versed in the intrigues of “law” and have enough respect for a fellow Free Software supporter to actually care if he is being falsely robbed of his freedom or not?"

gNewSense 2.0, a premier Freedomware platform based on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS, released

"I believe it is worth a special mention that gNewSense 2.0 has just been released. It is based off Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron which was released just a week ago, so this is a brand new thing for everyone who wishes to run a pure Free Software system. However, there is much more to it than being a system for uncompromising Freedomware enthusiasts."

Free Market vs the OOXML

"Due to numerous signs showing how corruptible the process of standardization can be and especially if ISO finally decides to adopt OOXML as the standard despite these concerns, ISO may very well lose a chunk of respect as a standards body. Be that as it may, I wonder how much does ISO really matter here or at least just how much *should* it really matter anyway."

Ken Starks and Larry Cafiero talk Lindependence 2008

Ken Starks and Larry Cafiero answered a number of questions about Lindependence 2008, an ambitious, multifaceted new advocacy project they have started recently.

OOXML issues not solved during the BRM

As it stands today, the BRM has failed -failed to work, failed to impress, failed to create consensus and failed to succeed. Rules that were not part of the existing JTC-1 corpus had to be invented to come up with the astounding result of 6 countries approving the bulk voting versus 4 countries formally disapproving them.

Freedomware Marketing < Apple Marketing

"Marketing. Marketing. Marketing. For Freedomware. I have a feeling I'll be repeating this for quite a while to come. And then... there will be an organization founded to do just that.. Oops.. not telling any more. ;) - Keeping you in suspense, another great way to market!"

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