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Red Hat: 2014:0255-01: subversion: Moderate Advisory

Updated subversion packages that fix three security issues are now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6. The Red Hat Security Response Team has rated this update as having Moderate security impact.

Mark Shuttleworth Talks Up The Phone's Bottom Edge On Ubuntu

The feature of Ubuntu on phones that Mark Shuttleworth is talking up this weekend is... the bottom edge of the phone in Ubuntu.

Ubuntu: 2129-1: Linux kernel (EC2) vulnerabilities

Several security issues were fixed in the kernel.

Rugged 3.5-inch SBC taps Atom E3800 SoC

ADL released a compact SBC based on Intel’s Atom E3800, featuring multiple GbE, SATA, and display ports, PCIe expansion, and extended temperature operation.

Ubuntu: 2128-1: Linux kernel vulnerabilities

Several security issues were fixed in the kernel.

Slackware: 2014-064-01: sudo: Security Update

New sudo packages are available for Slackware 13.0, 13.1, and 13.37 to fix a security issue.

DRM Kernel Log Renderer Proposed For Linux

One of the long-standing proclaimed benefits of Direct Rendering Manager (DRM) graphics drivers for the Linux kernel was that it would be possible to have "Blue Screen of Death"-like error messages in cases of kernel issues. That feature is now closer to being realized while also advancing another goal of disabling VT support within the Linux kernel.

Ubuntu: 2131-1: IcedTea Web vulnerability

IcedTea Web could be made to expose or alter sensitive information.

Wine 1.7.14 Arrives With More Task Scheduler Support

The latest bi-weekly development release of Wine is now available, but sadly it doesn't yet mainline the major Direct3D command stream work for improved performance nor has it moved much along with its Direct3D 10/11 work...

Ubuntu: 2130-1: Tomcat vulnerabilities

Several security issues were fixed in Tomcat.

Alice, the Turtle of the Modern Age

Many of us grew up with LOGO, the kid-friendly programming language that guided a little turtle around a screen. Yes, it was simplistic. Yes, it taught only the very basics of programming concepts, but it also inspired an entire generation of programmers. The applications you run every day were written by people who steered a digital turtle around a screen in third grade.

Network firewalls aren't dead yet

Phil Cummings says network firewalls will continue to be a critical piece of Health Information Technology Services -- Nova Scotia security portfolio for one simple reason: nothing's come along to replace them.

Report: Half of all exploits target Java

Once upon a time, Microsoft was the favorite target of malware developers. As Microsoft improved the defenses in its software, though, cybercrooks moved on to easier pickings. Adobe was a prime target for a while, but Adobe followed Microsoft's lead and made its software more secure as well.

Evernote for Android Could Make the Pen Mighty Again

Evernote this week launched handwriting capabilities in its app for Android, offering a long-awaited extension of some of the functionality it brought to iOS when it acquired Penultimate back in 2012. "Sometimes there's no better way to capture an idea than to write it down or sketch it out," wrote Andrew Sinkov of Evernote's marketing team in a Wednesday blog post.

30-Way Graphics Card Comparison On Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS

After this week already seeing how the open-source graphics drivers supplied by Ubuntu 14.04 LTS allow Radeon Gallium3D to run at ~80% of the Catalyst Linux driver and how open-source graphics still struggle with older hardware, our latest testing of the Ubuntu 14.04 LTS development version that will be released next month leads us to benchmarking 30 different AMD Radeon and NVIDIA GeForce graphics cards under this popular desktop Linux distribution.

GnuTLS: Big internal bugs, few real-world problems

Yes, GnuTLS has major security holes. So what? Almost no one uses it in ways where it could be vulnerable to fraud.

Replacing KDE4 with Xfce

A brief outline on some of the things you can expect when KDE4 is replaced with the much faster and slimmer desktop manager of Xfce .

Top 10 posts from in February 2014

A review indicating the "Top 10 articles on" in January 2014.

Fedora 20 Runs Great On The Intel Bay Trail NUC

Last month I wrote about Intel's Bay Trail NUC Kit on Linux and shared some early Intel Bay Trail Linux benchmarks. That earlier testing was done from Ubuntu 13.10 but this DN2820FYKH NUC can also be made to work quite well with Fedora 20. Here's the experience on setting up Fedora 20 for the Intel Bay Trail NUC Kit and some Ubuntu vs. Fedora benchmarks from this low-power, mini Intel system.

Sobell Compiles Top-Notch Practical Linux Guide

Not everyone who dabbles in the realm of the Linux OS needs all the enterprise-specific tutelage this guidebook offers. However, it certainly has chapters to enlighten even casual readers interested in learning really useful stuff. Sobell assembles in one spot his accumulated experience as a Linux expert and his keen insights about succeeding with two enterprise workhorse distributions.

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