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This blog will go dark on Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012 to protest the SOPA and PIPA bills restricting the open web

I'm joining, Wikipedia, BoingBoing, MoveOn, Mozilla, Reddit and scores of other websites large and small in going dark on Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012 to protest the pending Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect IP Act (PIPA), which would allow U.S. copyright holders to shut down foreign web sites with only a suspicion of copyright infringement.

Raphael Hertzog's Debian Squeeze discs are well worth the money

I've burned hundreds of Linux and BSD discs since I figured out what to do with an ISO sometime in late 2006/early 2007. I've saved many and gotten rid of many as well.

I'm using Debian Live-based Tails from a live USB stick to preserve privacy and anonymity

Courtesy of Distrowatch, I learned about Tails, a live Linux distribution based on Debian Live that uses Tor and other cryptographic- and privacy-minded features to protect a users anonymity while using the Internet.

I'm running the 2.6.39 Linux kernel from Debian Backports

After months spent pondering the installation of a post-2.6.38 kernel that's actually being patched when needed for my Debian Squeeze system, I finally figured out how to add the Debian Backports 2.6.39 kernel without the operation removing every other kernel from the hard drive in the process.

I replace sun-java6 with openjdk-6 in Debian Squeeze, everything still works

When I did my initial tests on this Debian Squeeze installation back in 2010, I had trouble with OpenJDK. I only use Java for two web-based things, and one of those -- -- wouldn't successfully open up a Java client window. So I replaced openjdk-6 with sun-java6, found everything working and left it at that. Had things changed in the many intervening months? I was determined to find out.

PDF import for LibreOffice in Debian Backports is broken -- here's how to fix it

The PDF import function for LibreOffice Draw in Debian Squeeze, if you're using the libreoffice-pdfimport package from Debian Backports, is broken. Doesn't work. LO wants to open PDFs as text files in LO Writer, not as editable PDFs in LO Draw. So how do you fix this?

The flashplugin-nonfree package won't update itself in Debian Squeeze -- here's how to do it

I've never seen this kind of thing before: I noticed that the Flash plugin that Debian installs from the flashplugin-nonfree package hasn't updated in quite some time. I've been stuck at Adobe Flash 10.2 for a long while.

CentOS remains way behind in tracking RHEL, Scientific Linux does better, but Debian and Ubuntu deserve consideration, too

When you think "free version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux," I bet CentOS comes to mind. But a look at the CentOS project over the past few years shows a considerable lag between when RHEL releases and CentOS catches up.

It's becoming their Internet -- it should be our Internet

Blogging had already 'jumped the shark,' when it became easy for the average person to create a blog with downloaded software installed on their own web space, be that a physical, wholly owned server, a leased server, a virtual private server, or a shared-hosting account. We don't need to depend on Google/Blogger,, Livejournal, Tumblr or Typepad to run a blog for us. This is a good thing, and it is a good thing to have the option of doing this with social networking as well.

Navigating in GNOME 3/Shell in Fedora 16

The more I figure out how GNOME 3/Shell works in Fedora 16, the more I like it. I'm not at the point where I can say, "Oh, it's totally better than GNOME 2," but I'm increasingly able to do things the way I'm accustomed to doing in the GNOME Shell environment.

Unity and GNOME Shell are more alike than different

I've been spending time each day working in Ubuntu 11.10's GNOME 3/Unity and Fedora 16's GNOME 3/GNOME Shell desktops. They're more alike than you think.

Ubuntu 11.10 live from USB -- first impressions

Since I spent some time running Fedora 16 with GNOME 3/GNOME Shell via a live image, and I judged it as working well but not as polished in the design department as Ubuntu 11.04/11.10 with Unity, I figured I should give Ubuntu 11.10 a try with its live image and see what I thought.

Using the GNOME file manager's FTP capabilities to manage my Ode site

I've traditionally used stand-alone FTP clients like FileZilla and gFTP to interact with the servers I use. Only recently have I decided to start using the GNOME Nautilus file manager's FTP/SFTP capabilities to manage the content in some of my servers.

First impressions of the Fedora 16 GNOME 3 Live CD

I thought I'd hate GNOME Shell, but I actually ended up liking it. The Fedora 16 live environment was responsive. I could really be productive here. If only it wasn't so darn ugly.

Ilya Zhitomirskiy, co-founder of social network Diaspora dies at 22

One of the founders of the nascent Diaspora social network has died at age 22. I have included the story on Ilya Zhitomirskiy's untimely death from the Associated Press, followed by my thoughts on Diaspora and where it stands given that Google+ is pretty much steam-rolling over the rest of the social-networking space.

Here's my latest video edited in OpenShot -- I refine my technique in organizing tracks

Just because I'm writing about how I'm editing these videos in OpenShot, don't think that I'm some kind of video-editing expert. I'm learning. And I'm excited about it. Beats the alternative, don't you think? In the video I just cut today, I am refining the way I use multiple tracks to organize and edit the video with OpenShot 1.4.0 in Debian Squeeze.

Could I believe in Evolution? I go deeper into GNOME

Though I've flirted with console e-mail in the form of Mutt and Pine, I came to the realization long ago that GUI mail clients are the thing for me. I've used Claws Mail, and I pretty much centered my mail-client universe on Thunderbird, running it on every platform I can. But I have kept a fully configured Evolution mail client at the ready on my Debian laptop.

Tapping deeper into the OpenShot video editor

Here's the thought (and action) process I went through to edit a video today with OpenShot 1.4.0 in Debian Squeeze (I've been using the OpenShot .deb package from the OpenShot Launchpad page to make sure I have the latest version). I used the audio and video from one long clip interspersed with titles created in OpenShot and still images from the same event. The "trick" was keeping the audio and video in sync, with the audio playing continuously, while I traded off the images with the video.

Thinking out of the server box: HP ProLiant MicroServer

By way of Planet Debian, I found Vincent Sanders' article on the HP ProLiant MicroServer he bought for use at home instead of a dedicated NAS appliance. This is by no means a blade server. It's a squat little box. And the HP ProLiant MicroServer line starts at $329.

I'm pushing Debian Squeeze and GNOME 2 as hard as I can

I never really considered myself a GNOME user. Though I am. I've used Xfce, Fluxbox, Fvwm2, LXDE, even JWM (Joe's Window Manager) in Puppy and FLTK/FLWM in TinyCore. But most of the time I stick with the default desktop environment offered by a given distribution.

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