Showing headlines posted by dyfet

Runit is being maintained again

I'm pleased to announce the resumption of maintenance on runit, an init and services management system, originally derived from daemontools by Gerrit Pape.

Legal terrorism Microsoft style

“That as we enjoy great advantages from the inventions of others, we should be glad of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours, and this we should do freely and generously.” — Benjamin Franklin

Secure VoIP, GNU SIP Witch, and replacing Skype with free software

LXer Feature: 27-Aug-2009

For a number of years I have been when possible working on what is called the GNU Telephony Secure Calling initiative to make communication intercept a thing of the past, whether for individuals, private organizations, or national governments, and to do so entirely using free software.

Secure Calling Initiative Reaches Second Milestone

GNU Telephony intends to help both national governments and private corporations comply with their obligations to the general public by promoting widespread adoption of secure and intercept free voice and video communication services worldwide using free software.