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Want Firefox without Australis? Try Pale Moon

If the release of Firefox's Australis interface got you down, there are Firefox-based alternatives out there with a more traditional Mozilla UI. One such alternative is Pale Moon and here's how you get it.

How to get nowhere in particular

In this tutorial I explain one way to generate a random geographical location, using simple command-line tricks.

Nostalgic Gaming On Linux With Good Old Games

Thanks to the recent Linux support provided by DRM-free classic games provider,, getting that nostalgic kick on Linux has never been easier. In this article I'll also detail a few of my favourite classic games that are now available to play in Linux. Launches Linux Support, Ahead Of Schedule

That's right, has just announced they are supporting Linux, way ahead of their scheduled dates of around October or November. The launch brings 50 Linux-compatible games right away.

Top 10! Fun On The Command Line

  • The Linux Rain; By Bob Mesibov (Posted by eldersnake on Jul 20, 2014 9:09 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
If you just love making 'top 10'-type lists but are a little embarrassed to say so, tell people you're passionate about data exploration. To impress them even more, explain that you do your data exploration on the command line. But don't ruin the impression by telling them how easy that is!

Grim Fandango Remake Coming To Linux

GNU/Linux gaming keeps on getting better and a recent announcement from developer Double Fine has caused much excitement. The remake of Grim Fandango is coming to Linux, alongside the console exclusive Playstation 4 and Vita versions as well as Windows and Mac!

Corebird, An Alternative GTK+3 Twitter Client

If you're like me, you may not have heard much about Corebird, a native GTK+3 Twitter client. Which is a bit surprising really, as Corebird is a very nice and stable application that holds it's own with any of the other clients out there and deserves more love.

ODT to TXT, but keep the line numbering

The title explains what this article is about. If you save an .odt file as text, or copy/paste the contents as a text file, or run odt2txt or the unoconv utility, you lose the apparent line structure of the original, and with it the line numbering. But there is a way...

The GNOME Shell Challenge

The mission: use GNOME Shell as the primary desktop for an entire week. Do I choose to accept it? Yes. It's easy enough to try something for a short time and discard it in a negative manner, which has been the case for me with GNOME Shell in the past, but perhaps it can be fun to challenge yourself to try something properly and for a longer time. Or perhaps you're a masochist! Either way, feel free to join me...

Scripting a 4-Color Multiple Grepper

  • The Linux Rain; By Bob Mesibov (Posted by eldersnake on Jun 20, 2014 9:32 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
I wrote the shell script described here ('grep4') to find up to four items at the same time in my data tables, which are big text files with one record per line. The script gives each searched-for item its own color on the terminal screen. It lets me know in advance how many 'hits' there are, so that if there are lots of hits, I get the choice of printing the results to a file instead of displaying them. The script also lets me choose between seeing all records with any of the items (the OR case: A or B or...) or just the records containing all the searched-for items on one line (the AND case: A and B and...).

How To Install MATE 1.8 In Ubuntu 14.04 And Give It A Classic Ubuntu Look And Feel

If there's one thing that's undeniable in the GNU/Linux world at the moment, is that users' tastes can be as diverse as the choices of desktop interfaces we have available and that there is no true one-size-fits-all desktop. In addition to this, there is no doubt a vocal group of users who reject some of the recent desktop directions in the likes of Unity and GNOME-Shell and long for the days of GNOME 2. In this article I'll show you how to install MATE 1.8 in Ubuntu 14.04 and give it a classic Ubuntu look and feel, much like the days of Ubuntu 10.10, for example.

Is Ubuntu's Unity Really All That Bad Nowadays?

Now, don't get me wrong - when it comes to choice of desktop interface it's a very subjective matter and often a matter of taste and what you, as the user, finds most comfortable and/or productive. Still, browse through various forums, comment sections or blogs across the internet concerning Unity or even Linux desktops in general and you'll still likely find plenty of negativity towards Canonical's flagship desktop offering. However, I do believe some of the common criticisms leveled at Unity are based on some of the early incarnations of that desktop. Is it really so bad nowadays?

Linux Malware And Antivirus

  • The Linux Rain; By Devyn Collier Johnson (Posted by eldersnake on Jun 13, 2014 7:22 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Security; Groups: Linux
All computer systems can suffer from malware and viruses, including Linux. Thankfully, very few viruses exist for Linux, so users typically do not install antivirus software. It is still recommended that Linux users have antivirus software installed on Linux systems that are on a network or that have files being transfered to the device. Some users may argue that antivirus software uses up too much resources. Thankfully, low-footprint software exists for Linux. To better understand antivirus programs, it may be beneficial to understand malware itself.

Contributing to OSS

Many individuals may want to contribute to Linux or some open-source software project. However, many people may not be sure where to start or how to help. Others may not know computer programming and feel that there is no way they can contribute. Well, guess what? There are many ways anyone can contribute to Linux directly or some open-source software (OSS).

Tips on Tables

  • The Linux Rain; By Bob Mesibov (Posted by eldersnake on Jun 5, 2014 10:47 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
Big data or small data, a lot of it comes these days as plain text arranged in rows and columns. Here are a few tips on working with tables of text, both in text editors and on the command line.

How FOSS Brought New Life To My Once Linux-Unfriendly Laptop

Many of you can probably relate to this: that machine, whether it be a laptop or a desktop computer, that just seems to hate any Linux operating system you throw at it. Poor performance, inefficiency or non-working bits of hardware or functionalities seem the norm whenever you try your favourite Linux distro on it to the point where you reluctantly accept this machine may only ever be usable on it's factory installed OS (often Windows, of course). I too had this experience but it turns out sometimes a little patience and the fast moving nature of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) can turn things around.

A Pivot Table In AWK

  • The Linux Rain; By Bob Mesibov (Posted by eldersnake on May 23, 2014 10:35 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
GNU AWK is a great tool for working with tables of data, and by using AWK arrays, you can quickly do column sums (and other calculations) based on unique values in another column. Pivot tables in AWK are a bit trickier. In this article I do a slow walk through the code for a simple pivot table.

Why I (sometimes) love regular expressions

Command line wizards are forever encouraging the rest of us to learn regular expressions (regex). We're told regex is elegant, powerful and incredibly useful.

The downside is that regex can be seriously fiddly. One fly-spot out of place, and the code fails. For this reason I only use 'non-simple' regex when I absolutely have to. But when I do, sigh... Regex really is elegant and powerful, as the following example shows.

Scripting a 'Find-and-Replace' for big text files

  • The Linux Rain; By Bob Mesibov (Posted by eldersnake on Apr 23, 2014 10:10 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
I use two different GUI text editors. Mousepad does my basic editing jobs in a single window, while Gedit gives me tabbed windows, syntax highlighting and (with the Draw Spaces plug-in) a toggle-able view of whitespace and tabs.

Unfortunately, both Mousepad and Gedit struggle with big text files, say 10 mb and up. In contrast, finding strings on the command line with grep is zippety-quick, even for huge text files. String replacement with sed is also pretty fast. I recently wrote a simple shell script for finding-and-replacing in some very large text files I was editing. bringing Linux support is a great thing

Unless you have been living in a cave for the last few weeks, you would have heard about (formally known as Good Old Games) finally announcing they will be adding Linux support! I think this is a great thing and here's 5 good reasons why.

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