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Will GNU AGPLv3 boost Open Source SaaS support?

Can Software as a Service get some Open Source lovin' now that the Free Software Foundation gets its licensing act together?

Tiny Tin Can Linux

Is this the smallest and most flexible Linux based computer yet?

BBC loses 97200 Linux users

How many Linux users does the BBC website get, out of the 17 million who visit? You would not think that was too difficult a question for the director of technology at the BBC to answer, would you?

Is Linux losing its way?

Is Linux really in as much trouble as some people are saying, following the negative US server shipments growth reported by IDC?

Novell might never get a penny from SCO

Can the SCO Linux wars get any crazier? Err, yes, of course they can :)

Can Linux save the UMPC from extinction?

UMPC has hardly set the world on fire as gadgets go, can Linux fan the flames?

Linux Rage Looks Likely

Linux gamers love Doom and Quake, so why have they been suffering from FPS Rage aimed at id Software? John Carmack puts the record straight regarding Linux and OpenGL support for the forthcoming first person shooter.

Linux hackers bite back at Apple iPod lockout

Along comes Apple with the new iPod Touch and throws a few SHA1 hashes into the start of the database which not only locks it to your iPod but prevents anyone from fiddling with the file format. Actually, that is not true. You can fiddle with the format, and you can try and sync with something other than iTunes. It won't work though, because iTunesDB will report that it contains precisely zero songs if you do.

Ubuntu and Red Hat praise IBM as it joins community

IBM has announced that it is joining the development community, with an initial involvement concerning code contributions it has been developing as part of its Lotus Notes product.

RISC OS Look and Feel on Linux project ready to go live

Ever wanted to run RISC OS apps on a Linux powered PC? Simon Willcocks has, and he's done something about it.

Dell does Ubuntu, but the sales staff do not know it

How easy is it to buy a Dell Ubuntu PC? Not as easy as you might imagine, and Dell is causing all the problems.

The year of the Linux mobile phone

Computerworld SIngapore reports that Linux powered smart phones will have 30 percent of the market by 2012. Bill Andad argues that with the Motorola Razr2 V8 the year of the Linux mobile phone has already arrived.

Googlephonecould be powered by Linux and free of charge

Could the Linux powered Googlephone be an iPhone killer come 2008?

Thunderbird must go says Mozilla CEO

Mozilla CEO Mitchell Baker has admitted that Thunderbird is to be booted out of the Mozilla camp in order to allow “the Thunderbird community to determine its own destiny” apparently. Put through my patented BS translator this produced “Thunderbird brings us no revenue, gets a bad press whether compared to Outlook or Gmail, and anyway Firefox is our future.”

Critical vulnerabilities announced for all Adobe Flash platforms, including Linux and Solaris

Adobe patch critical security flaws in Flash Player for all platforms, and for once Linux (and Solaris) users do not get away scot free.

Does Solaris need to be better Linux than Linux?

Hot on the heels of JavaFX, taking on the likes of Microsoft Silverlight and Adobe Flash, Sun looks set to formally unveil its plans for Project Indiana this week and attack the Linux developer heartlands. With Project Indiana touted as a move towards a better Linux than Linux, one observer asks the 'Emperor's New Clothes' question: what's actually wrong with Solaris as is?

Linux powered Blue Gene/P becomes the fastest computer in the world

IBM has just announced the arrival of Blue Gene/P, which triples the performance of Blue Gene/L, the previous holder of the official world’s fastest computer title. And it is powered by Linux, of course!

Skype staff play good cop bad cop with Linux users

You would think that Skype would be doing all it can to keep us Linux users happy, what with the painfully slow progress in developing a Linux client to date and the release of Skype for Linux 1.4 over the weekend. But customer support at the Skype Linux forums seem to suggest otherwise.

Linux sticks it to Windows users

Windows users get a taste of Linux without even realizing it, thanks to the Linux powered computer on a stick that promises to solve many Windows security problems.

PlayStation 3 as Enterprise Linux Server

The functionality of the PS3 is about to take an interesting boost, becoming an all singing and dancing Linux Enterprise Server courtesy of HELIOS’ optimized Yellow Dog Linux v5.0 installer utilizing the IBM 64-bit 3.2 GHz Cell processor in the PS3 running HELIO UB.

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