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Google makes promise it cannot keep

So Google reckons that it can provide the perfect operating system in Chrome, even to the point where according to Google's Engineering Director, Linus Upson, it will herald "the end of malware". That's what he went on the record to say during an interview with New Scientist magazine, in what could end up being one of those 'why did I say that' moments that go down in software development folklore.

Google and Microsoft: who is screwing who?

So Google wants to be a player in the operating system market and Microsoft wants to be a search player? Meh.

HyperVM boss hangs himself after exploit destroys 100,000 websites

A zero-day hacker today has the death of one man and one hundred thousand websites on his or her conscience.

Homeland Security Advisory Council appoints hacker hero

I guess that is what you might call a turn up for the books, as the US Department of Homeland Security announces the 16 members which have been sworn in to serve on the Homeland Security Advisory Council. Especially when you consider that one of them, Jeff Moss, is best known for being the founder of the Black Hat and DEFCON hacker conferences and something of a hero to the hacker community.

Aspire ONE Android confirmed!

Jim Wong, President of IT Products at Acer, was speaking at the Computex Trade Show when he said that an Android netbook would make an appearance during the third quarter of 2009.

Microsoft and Linux sitting in a tree...

Strange but true, usually the best of enemies it would seem that Microsoft and the Linux Foundation are in full agreement over something for a change. What is more, they are working together in order to find a solution as well.

Windows 7 free and legal until 2010

How desperate is Microsoft? It appears that from May 5th you will be able to download and install Windows 7 release code and keep it, free of charge and legally, until June 2010 on as many machines as you like.

The $100 million open source Android trademark infringement

Looks like Google could be deep water, along with the Open Handset Alliance and some 40 or so companies, over an apparent trademark infringement.

Can XP save Windows 7?

With Windows 7 ready to roll, and a world which really could care less, is Microsoft banking on XP to save the day?

Amazon and Wikipedia phactor Phorm out of the privacy equation

Even if the UK Government are not going to stop Phorm spying on Internet users on privacy grounds, it looks like some of the biggest brands on the Web will.

Which way up is Google?

If you want to keep the spambots out of Gmail then you might want to try a bit of upside down thinking.

84 percent say no thanks to Windows 7

As well as 84 percent of businesses across the world saying they have no plans to adopt Windows 7 within a year, Microsoft should perhaps be more worried by the 50 percent who said they were considering jumping ship to a different OS such as Linux.

No FOSS for Spotify

The whole Libspotify API (initially with support just for Linux on IA-32) comes with conditions attached which make it anything but open and hardly likely to propel it out of the iTunes shadow.

Google set to buy Twitter

Although there has been plenty of blogosphere gossip regarding the monetisation of Twitter, the hugely popular social networking in 140 characters service, not a great deal of sense has been spoken. Until now. It would appear that an acquisition of Twitter by no less than Google is on the cards. Now that is an exit strategy guaranteed to get the dollar signs flashing. How many dollars? “Well north of the $250 million valuation” that Twitter saw in recent funding according to TechCrunch which broke the story.

Google Chrome stands alone at PWN2OWN

Which web browser client is least at risk from hackers? If the PWN2OWN hacking competition is any measure of client security, then the clear winner was Google Chrome.

Can Wolfram Alpha kill Google or will it just be the next Cuil?

Wolfram Alpha can promise all it likes, but ultimately it has to deliver. Which is where things get a little sticky, because at the moment Wolfram Alpha remains firmly behind closed doors and not open to public scrutiny. There is no demo, there is no public beta of the alpha.

Is Vista really a bigger pile of crap than Second Life and Google Lively?

If you believe the results of the first annual Fiasco Awards then the answer would appear to be an unequivocal yes considering that Vista got a rather staggering 86 percent of the vote for the worst performing IT product of the year.

Dell admits to small Ubuntu success

Dell is taking the netbook market by the horns, it would seem. First it refuses to accept that the Psion netbook trademark is a valid one, and now it bucks the market trend for not being able to sell Linux powered netbooks.

Dell: All Your Netbooks Are Not Belong To Psion

Dell desperately wants a bigger share of the netbook market, but it also wants to be able to call them netbooks and is taking the trademark fight to Psion.

FIGHT: Pirate Bay vs Swedish Muppets

How on earth will the prosecutors be able to argue that Pirate Bay is guilty of making content available when it has already conceded it doesn't actually do so? Or have I missed something really important here? I just cannot see how proving making content available as an intermediary rather than a host will be possible when it could not get a grip on the original argument.

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