Showing headlines posted by justintime

FSF is Asking for Money Again

Basically the Free Software Foundation is a poor provider of grass roots energy for it’s cause. In fact its obstinate, angry views combined with it’s anti-community culture, serve to suck the life out of the movement. In fact if Free Software philosophies are to become successful, I think it’ll be despite the actions of the FSF. It seems to want to serve as a top-down father figure, and very much not a bottom-up grass roots organisation, like all political movements it’s falling for it’s own inability to work with people on the ground to effect change.

Mono and C# 4.0

I am very happy to announce that the Mono C# compiler is now C# 4.0 feature complete.

Running Mono - an Overview

  • gamedev and software development blog; By Pedro Santos (Posted by justintime on Oct 30, 2009 12:18 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Ximian
We’ve been using Mono for the production server of Orion’s Belt for a couple of months now. On this article I’d like to share our experiences using Mono. We developed our project fully on Windows with Visual Studio 2005, and at a time we started to consider Mono for a production server. Do note that the Orion’s Belt team has a Windows background, and little experience administrating Linux machines.

In Industry First, Voting Machine Company to Publish Source Code

Sequoia Voting Systems plans to publicly release the source code for its new optical scan voting system, the company announced Tuesday — a remarkable reversal for a voting machine maker long criticized for resisting public examination of its proprietary systems.

10 Years of Ximian

  • Miguel de Icaza's blog; By Miguel de Icaza (Posted by justintime on Oct 19, 2009 10:56 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: ; Groups: Community, Ximian
Today is the ten year anniversary of the incorporation of Ximian, Inc. A company founded by Nat Friedman and myself whose goal was to advance the state of the Linux desktop. It was also an excuse for Nat and myself to hang out as we had become best friends forever in the previous two years.

Anti-Mono, Anti-Woman?

There's a weird consistency with which the most publicly vocal partisans of the position that Microsoft is an wholly owned subsidiary of Hell also seem to regularly express the opinion that there's really no problem, or at least no problem worth talking about, with women in the open source software community.

The Real FLOSS Community and the "Faux FLOSS Fundamentalists"

I've come to realize that our community and the people in it, are under attack. We are being disrupted, we are being defamed, we are being lied to, and, in some instances, we are even having our lives invaded.

Faux-pen Source Fundamentalists

These people are not interested in improving Linux, they are only interested in stroking their own egos. They want power more than anything else. Power over other people. Power to destroy anyone or anything that does not do what they demand.

The Curious Case of Boycott Novell

As most people reading here already know, I work for Microsoft as a technology evangelist. However, writing this blog, as well as whatever else I do online in the social media space is entirely my own choice, and not Microsoft’s. Keep that in mind as you sit down, relax, and listen as I tell you a story…

Microsoft issues patent promise, dispels Mono legal concerns

This could have significant implications for Mono, an open source implementation of .NET that is developed by Novell. Mono is being adopted by a growing number of developers and has been used to build some popular desktop Linux applications, including the Banshee music player, the Tomboy note application, the F-Spot image manager, and the GNOME-Do launcher. Several of those applications are included by default in widely-used Linux distributions, such as Ubuntu and OpenSUSE.