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StackRot: A Significant Linux Kernel Vulnerability - A Review and Recommendations

The open-source world has recently been shaken by the discovery of a new, critical security vulnerability lurking in the Linux kernel - the lifeline of numerous operating systems worldwide. This flaw, named StackRot (CVE-2023-3269), resides in Linux kernel versions 6.1 to 6.4 and has the potential to provide nefarious actors with escalated privileges on a target host. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of StackRot, review the mitigation efforts taken, and offer recommendations for users to guard against this threat.

From Freedom to Profit: Red Hat's Latest Move - An In-Depth Review of its Impact on Free Software and Open Source Values

The end dates are approaching for CentOS Stream 8 and CentOS Linux 7. Users need to start planning system migrations and consider options like CentOS Stream 9, converting to RHEL 8, or exploring other operating systems. After May 31, 2024, CentOS Stream 8 will be archived, and no further updates will be provided. Similarly, CentOS Linux 7 reaches its end of life on June 30, 2024, with no more updates available. It's crucial to migrate containers and establish a regular update strategy to prevent security risks and potential costs. Always remember to set resource limits, autoscaler limits, and update containers regularly.

How to monitor filesystem events on files and directories on Linux

Inode notify (inotify) is a Linux kenel subsystem which provides APIs to to monitor filesystem events. Besides communicating with such APIs from proper programming languages, it is possible to take advantage of the exposed functionalities by using some explicitly designed command line tools such as inotifywait, which can be easily installed in all the major Linux distributions.

Understanding UEFI and BIOS in Relation to Linux Nvidia Driver Installation

  •; By Lucas Rees (Posted by linuxer on Jul 3, 2023 3:39 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Linux
Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) and Basic Input Output System (BIOS) are firmware interfaces responsible for starting your computer by initiating the hardware during the booting process. These technologies are crucial for the functioning of operating systems and their associated hardware, such as graphics cards. As the successors to BIOS, UEFI systems have introduced numerous advantages for Linux users and have altered the landscape for installing drivers, including those for Nvidia cards on Ubuntu/Debian.

How to install and self host an Ntfy server on Linux

Ntfy is a free and open source notification service written in Go which lets us easily send and receive push notifications on smartphones or desktop computers via simple POST or PUT requests. The basic online service is publicly available free of charge and, on Linux, it is also possible to self-host an Ntfy instance. In this tutorial we see how to install an Ntfy server on Linux and how to use it to send and receive push notifications.

How to backup your git repositories with gickup

  •; By Egidio Docile (Posted by linuxer on Jun 30, 2023 4:50 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
Git is by far the most used version control system out there. Originally created by Linus Torvalds, it is free and open source software, released under the GPLv2 license. Many online platforms such as Github or Gitlab allow developers to easily store and track changes in their code in public or private repositories using git as a backend.

How to bind an SSH public key to a specific command

In the client-server architecture used by the SSH protocol, a client can authenticate by providing a tunneled clear text password or by using a public/private key pair: this is called public key authentication. A user who logs in in via a public key on a remote machine has complete access to the command line; in certain situations, however, it may be useful to associate a public key to a single specific command, for security reasons.

Creating a Bootable USB for Windows 10 and 11 on Linux

Creating a bootable USB drive is often necessary when you want to install or repair an operating system. This guide provides detailed steps on how to create a bootable USB drive for Windows 10 or 11 using Linux (both Debian and RPM-based distributions).Our handy script does all the heavy lifting, making this task a breeze. The script operates by formatting the USB drive, and then copying the ISO file to the USB drive.

YouTube downloader with GUI on Linux

  •; By Korbin Brown (Posted by linuxer on Jun 16, 2023 5:28 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Linux
YouTube is home to most of the world’s video content these days. The YouTube website does not give users an easy way to download videos, since its in their best interest that users continually return to the site any time they want to watch a video. However, it is sometimes better to download videos for offline use, so users can archive content that is at risk of disappearing from online, or just so they can continue watching without an internet connection.

How to skip the installation of rpm weak dependencies

RPM is the acronym for Red Hat Package Manager: we use it to reference both the software package format and the low-level package manager used by the Red Hat family of distributions. Since version 4.12 of the latter it is possible to declare packages “weak dependencies”, which are installed by default, but not strictly required.

How to show software/package installation date

In case you are wondering when a software package was installed on your Linux system, the information is stored by the package manager and can be accessed via the command line. This can come in handy for a number of reasons, such as when troubleshooting issues that started on a certain date, to see if any packages installed at that time could be causing the problem.

How to convert JPG to PDF

PDF documents are used for just about anything these days, and are usually considered to be a very professional way to send important data such as contracts or terms for businesses and other formal entities. If you have a JPG image – perhaps the scan of a signed document, for example – you can convert this to a PDF document, which would be a more formal file extension to use for such a matter.

How to setup GNOME using Ansible

  •; By Egidio Docile (Posted by linuxer on May 12, 2023 9:51 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: GNOME, Linux
GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment) is probably the most used graphical environment in the Linux ecosystem, if only because all major Linux distributions such as Fedora, RHEL, Debian and Ubuntu ship with it as the default desktop. GNOME strives for simplicity and ease of use, and for this reason, not without some criticisms by a part of the Linux community, tends to be less customizable than other desktop environments such as KDE Plasma or XFCE.

How to Use Kubernetes Namespaces

  •; By Korbin Brown (Posted by linuxer on Apr 12, 2023 7:53 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Cloud, Linux
In order to have a logical separation for different groups of resources, Kubernetes gives us the namespaces feature. It is also convenient when you have a big environment that is managed by multiple users or teams, and each one needs their own “space” for the resources that they are assigned to manage and administer. This is a much better solution than creating numerous Kubernetes clusters just to facilitate different groups of services or deployments, and to isolate teams to their own space.

What is GitOps? - Revolutionizing Deployment with GitOps Principles

In the rapidly evolving world of software development, GitOps has emerged as a game-changing approach, garnering significant attention and adoption across the industry. This paradigm shift seamlessly marries the power of Git, a widely-used version control system, with the principles of DevOps, revolutionizing the way development teams manage and deploy their applications.

Mastering Bash Script Loops

  •; By Luke Reynolds (Posted by linuxer on Mar 3, 2023 12:54 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
Bash script loops are an essential component of any developer’s toolkit for automating repetitive tasks and streamlining workflows. Loops in Bash provide a powerful and flexible way to iterate through lists, perform calculations, and execute commands based on specific conditions. By mastering Bash script loops, you can write efficient and readable scripts that save time and effort in managing complex systems and processes.

Linux Interview Questions: Top 101 Questions and Answers

In this article, we've compiled a comprehensive list of Linux interview questions that cover a wide range of topics. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced Linux user, this list will help you prepare for your next Linux interview and ensure you have a solid understanding of the most important Linux concepts.

Linux Configuration files: Top 30 most important

  •; By Luke Reynolds (Posted by linuxer on Feb 21, 2023 5:24 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
In this article, we will be taking a closer look at some of the most important and widely-used Linux configuration files. From setting environment variables to managing authentication, these files play a critical role in ensuring that your Linux system runs smoothly and securely. Whether you’re a seasoned Linux administrator or just starting out, this article will provide valuable insights into the inner workings of the Linux operating system.

From Basics to Advanced: Apache Interview Questions for All Levels

If you're preparing for an interview that includes Apache-related questions, it can be helpful to familiarize yourself with both the basic and advanced concepts related to the web server. This article aims to provide a comprehensive list of Apache interview questions that covers a range of topics, from the fundamentals to more complex and nuanced areas. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, this article will help you prepare for your next Apache-related interview.

Can Linux Get Viruses? Exploring the Vulnerability of Linux Systems

The open-source nature of Linux and its reputation for being a secure operating system have led many users to believe that it is immune to viruses. However, the reality is that Linux systems can still get infected by malicious software. In this article, we’ll explore the vulnerability of Linux systems to viruses and the factors that make them less susceptible compared to other operating systems.

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