Showing headlines posted by monmouthing

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Over the air software customization first for Linux mobile

Is this the first Linux based mobile phone complete with fully over the air customizable software capability?

Microsoft patent filing is stupid rather than evil

There has been a lot of Big Brother name-calling following the Microsoft patent filing story from The Times newspaper in the UK yesterday. Reading the patent concerned suggests the company is just being daft rather than threatening though.

Microsoft cooks up OLPC dual-boot mud pie

The news from Nicholas Negreponte that talks are progressing about a dual-boot OLPC laptop gets slapped down by Microsoft which denies any involvement.

Has GNOME finally killed off KDE in the Ubuntu interface wars?

Could this be the end of KDE as Canonical admit only GNOME will have LTS status as the Hardy Heron is released?

Linux fanboys should feel the force, says Schneier

Feel the force, fanboy. That is the message to Linux developers from security guru and Blowfish legend Bruce Schneier in a new interview.

Tux Droid delivers a very Merry Linuxmas

Can a plastic penguin beat a wifi wabbit in a fight this xmas? You betcha!

Linux Foundation Desktop Survey Results

The survey still has a week to run, but the results have been leaked out nonetheless.

How low can a Linux PC go?

Just how cheap can a fully functioning Linux PC get?

Linux powered TreCorder speeds up data collection at crime scenes

A new SuSE Linux powered forensic computer from a UK based company promises to make the task of gathering evidence at the scene of a crime much easier.

Big Green Linux

IBM has announced what it is calling the Big Green Linux initiative in order to spark further interest in getting Linux firmly integrated into the enterprise, this time by going on the cost reduction and energy consumption attack.

One billion Windows users can be wrong

Will Microsoft ever stop treating Linux users as idiots? Probably not while it treats its own users in the same fashion. Just take a look at the latest FUD to arrive from the Microsoft chiefs of staff.

Debian releases fix for Linux kernel 2.6.8 vulnerabilities

According to the mailing list three security vulnerabilites have now been fixed with the release of numerous updates for Linux kernel 2.6.8 as detailed in Debian Security Advisory DSA 1304-1.

Linux Kernel 2.6.x vulnerabilities

According to postings at concerning a report by Vilmos Nebehaj which was consequently signed off by Linus Torvalds and Chris Wright, the Linux Kernel 2.6.x has multiple security vulnerabilities.

Can a Linux veteran deflect the angry mob from the Microsoft door?

Tom Hanrahan, best known within the open source movement for his recent role as Director of Engineering at the Linux Foundation, has been confirmed as the new Director of Linux Interoperability at, wait for it, Microsoft.

Scared Microsoft just spreading Linux patent FUD

Interesting take on the 235 patent infringements argument, suggesting that Microsoft is running scared of open source and spreading FUD in an attempt to bully people into paying some kind of Microsoft Tax.

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