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Kerberos and AIX v6

Learn to make use of the Kerberos authentication tickets in the day-to-day network services on IBM AIX V6 and discover how Kerberos can be useful in getting rid of the password hassles for network service logons. This is another method towards achieving single sign on (SSO) on an AIX system network.

Learn 10 more good UNIX usage habits

As a follow-up to Michael Stutz's excellent article, this article provides 10 more good habits to adopt that will improve your UNIX command-line efficiency. Learn about common errors and how to overcome them, and discover exactly why these 10 UNIX habits are worth picking up!

Speaking UNIX: Inside TCP/IP

The Internet has played a huge role in the advancement of technology, business, and everyday life for huge numbers of the world's people. Configuring a computer to communicate over a network and connecting to the Internet has become an essential task for administrators. This article shows how to configure a server running IBM AIX to connect to and use the Internet.

Tput: Add some spice to your UNIX shell scripts

Many times, shell scripts evolve into menu-based scripts, and the scripter wants to display more to users than simply scrolling text. Regardless of the complexity, scripters have always needed a way to change their output to bold, underline it, reverse the highlights, and so on. That's where tput comes into play.

Protecting JavaBeans in JSF applications

Get a demonstration on how to use Acegi to secure access to JavaBeans in JavaServer Faces (JSF) applications. You can configure secure beans in a variety of ways, including using Acegi-secured inversion-of-control (IOC) beans directly in your JSF tags.

Google Mashups get their Groovy on

Once again Groovy scripting has proven to be a huge time saver when it comes to putting RESTful APIs in front of valuable services and data. The server-side code in this article can also support any other features that you want to add on.

Terminal functions for shell scripting with Shell Curses

"Shell Curses" is a library of script functions that provide the shell programmer the ability to perform text-based cursor movements to specified locations on the screen. This ability permits the creation of menuing and data-entry systems using shell scripts without the need for compiled binaries. These functions are similar to the "C" language "Curses" library.

WSAS and Eclipse simplify creating Web services

Web services have come a long way. There are no more interfaces to write or implement. There is no code to generate or XML files to create.

Using Python to create UNIX command line tools

Do you fully understand the OSI model? Are you comfortable with subnetting? Do you understand UNIX permissions? By the end of this article, anyone involved in IT at any capacity should be able to create at least a simple command line tool.

An insider explains how eBay uses Eclipse

In this article, the first of a two-part series covering eBay's use of Eclipse, we look at eBay's architecture and how eBay has tailored Eclipse to suit its architecture. The article will focus on eBay, but you can use the lessons here to tailor Eclipse to your system's architecture.

Changing UIDs and GIDs without harming your server

It's important to know what happens to file ownership in AIX once you make a UID or GID change. If you don't understand the results of altering a UID or GID, you could cause serious issues to your server and environment.

Understand your Domain Name System

The Domain Name System (DNS) is the service that converts hostnames and domain details into the IP addresses required for application to communicate. This article looks at the basics of DNS setup, how servers and requests are distributed, and exchanged and how to set up and keep a DNS environment running smoothly.

Configure HTTP basic authentication with Rational

This second installment in the three-part series shows you how to configure HTTP basic authentication for your Web services and Web services client, and monitor the HTTP basic authentication information using the TCP/IP monitor. Check out the first part of there series for the initial steps.

Keep an eye on your system with Log File Basics

A typical UNIX or Linux machine creates many log files during the course of its operation. Some of these contain useful information; others can be used to help you with capacity and resource planning. This article looks at the fundamental information recorded within the different log files, their location, and how that information can be used to your benefit to work out what is going on within your system.

Develop Android applications with Eclipse

ndroid is Google's oft-discussed mobile, wireless, computer, and communications platform. You can take advantage of the powerful Eclipse environment to build Android applications using the Android Eclipse plug-in. This tutorial introduces Android application development with the Eclipse plug-in, otherwise known as Android Development Tools. The tutorial provides an introduction to Android development with a quick introduction to the platform, a tour of Android Development Tools, and includes the construction of two example applications.

Learn 10 good UNIX usage habits

Adopt 10 good habits that improve your UNIX command line efficiency - and break away from bad usage patterns in the process. This article takes you step-by-step through several good, but too often neglected, techniques for command-line operations. Learn about common errors and how to overcome them, so you can learn exactly why these UNIX habits are worth picking up.

Support AIX functionality with LDAP servers

Some platforms may lose their operating system-specific functionality due to the lack of schema support from the LDAP server. This article presents a solution for some non-IBM LDAP servers to support full AIX user management functionality by providing the AIX schema for these server types and the steps to update these LDAP server types with the schema.

Build your own memory manager for C/C++ projects

As a developer, one of the most powerful tools that C/C++ arms you with to improve processing time and prevent memory corruption is the control over how memory is allocated or deallocated in your code. This tutorial demystifies memory management concepts by telling you how to create your very own memory manager for specific situations.

Transition to AIX from Solaris

Need to know how to work with partitioning and virtualization? Want to know the differences between WPARs and zones and how the process differs from creating zones and WPARs? Have your questions addressed with this article and make your transition easier.

The future of XML

The exact time line is a tad uncertain, but where XML is going isn't. XML's future lies with the Web, and more specifically with Web publishing.

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