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Stupid UNIX man tricks

UNIX has hundreds if not thousands of commands, and it's impossible to remember every option and nuance. But, happily, you don't have to: man, UNIX's built-in, online reference system, is man's best friend.

Linux Kernel Virtual Machine improves build performance

Construct an on-demand software build service using ooRexx that uses the Linux® Kernel Virtual Machine (KVM) for better performance. KVM acts as the host for the guest operating systems that build the target software for the user. The Apache Web server controls the builds and stores the results for later retrieval by the user. Learn how to set up the build server and create guests, customize build requests, and organize and access build results.

Avoid common errors in UNIX and Linux

Have you ever wondered why you get the errors Execute permission denied or The parameter list is too long? These are just a few of the common errors UNIX and Linux novices receive that they may not know how to avoid. This article explains such errors and provides workarounds and resolutions to these and other errors that may crop up.

Understanding the 5 must have jQuery advanced concepts

jQuery makes writing a good JavaScript-based Web application easy and straightforward, but there are a few extra steps required to turn your good Web application into a great Web app. This article details some of the steps to give your Web application the final layer of polish.

Create a mobile application for Android using Scala and Eclipse

The Android operating system provides a powerful, open platform for mobile development. It leverages the power of the Java™ programming language and the Eclipse tools platform. Now you can add the Scala programming language to that mix. In this article, see how you can use Scala as the primary development language on Android, allowing you to write mobile applications using a more-expressive, but also more type-safe, programming language.

Linux based Solar-powered networking anywhere

In many parts of the world, the power grid is shoddy, computers are scarce, and connectivity is even rarer. Thus, as with many other modern practices and technologies, populations are increasingly bifurcated into the "computing haves" and the "computing have-nots." But many are addressing the divide. SolarNetOne is a turnkey Internet hotspot—power, computers, and satellite uplink—you can install virtually anywhere, for less than the cost of a subcompact car.

An Eclipse Galileo flyby

The Eclipse Galileo release of 33 major projects showcases the diversity and innovation going on inside the Eclipse ecosystem. Get an overview of several Galileo projects, along with resources to find out more information.

Weaving a better Web page

A Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) framework expedites and simplifies the design and development of Web pages. Moreover, a CSS framework produces more standardized results in all browsers. Here's a look at two CSS frameworks, each with a unique philosophy.

Making sure you have the correct PHP class or function

PHP V5.3 introduces the ability to provide namespaces to your PHP classes, constants, and functions. Using namespaces allows you to avoid naming collisions and provide context for your PHP code. These tips provide a few guidelines for building your namespaces so that you get the most out of them.

The Plasma desktop shell of KDE 4

See how to write simple Plasma applets that improves the KDE 4 Linux desktop. KDE 4 includes many exciting new technologies, including Plasma, a feature that forms the desktop shell of KDE 4. See how to write simple Plasma applets (known as plasmoids) to greatly improve the desktop experience and how to turn a plasmoid into a simple memory monitor.

Anatomy of a Linux hypervisor

One of the most important modern innovations of Linux® is its transformation into a hypervisor (or, an operating system for other operating systems). A number of hypervisor solutions have appeared that use Linux as the core. This article explores the ideas behind the hypervisor and two particular hypervisors that use Linux as the platform (KVM and Lguest).

GNU ARM toolchain embedded development on Linux

Learn more about embedded development using the ARM core as well as how to install the GNU tools and begin using them. Many tools are available for programming various versions of ARM cores, but one particularly popular set is the GNU ARM toolchain. Learn more about embedded development using the ARM core as well as how to install the GNU tools and begin using them.

Using PHP directly from the command line on Linux and UNIX

Learn how to use PHP directly from the command line on Linux, BSD, Mac OS X (running BSD) or some other flavor of UNIX

Who has better virtualization, HP-UX, Solaris, or AIX?

Most IBM® AIX® administrators understand the virtualization features available to them on their System p® platform through PowerVM™, which is also available on the System p for Linux®. But what about the other UNIX® hardware platforms? What do they have to offer and how do some of their features compare to PowerVM? This article explores all of these topics in detail.

Build your first Android application

Android is a complete operating environment based upon the Linux® V2.6 kernel. Initially, the deployment target for Android was the mobile-phone arena, including smart phones and lower-cost flip-phone devices. However, Android's full range of computing services and rich functional support have the potential to extend beyond the mobile-phone market. Android can be useful for other platforms and applications. In this article, get an introduction to the Android platform and learn how to code a basic Android application.

Speak UNIX fluently with the best tools available

The universe of UNIX tools changes constantly. Here are 10 tools—some you may have overlooked and some new—to tinker with. Much like a vernacular, the universe of UNIX tools changes almost perpetually. New tools crop up frequently, while others are eternally modernized and adapted to suit emerging best practices. Certain tools are used commonly; others are used more infrequently. Some tools are perennial; occasionally, some are obsoleted outright. To speak UNIX fluently, you have to keep up with the "lingo."

Java failure postmortem diagnostics with Apache Kato

The artifacts produced when your Java™ application fails can help you analyse the root causes of the failure. A standard API to facilitate postmortem analysis is being developed by the Java Community process, and the Apache Kato project is under way to produce a reference implementation and tools for this API. This article, the first in a two-part series, introduces the Post mortem JVM Diagnostics API (JSR 326) and summarises the ways Kato will help you make good use of it. Part 2 will explore postmortem-diagnosis scenarios in greater depth.

UNIX network analysis

You can find out a lot about your network by using a variety of different tools. I you want to understand the layout of your network, where packets are going, and what people are doing, then you need to use a variety of different tools that can help you to build up a picture of your network and what is going on. This tutorial examines techniques for monitoring the traffic and content of your UNIX® network and how to read and diagnose problems on your network.

IBM launches a new Social Network for Developers

Build your technical skills and your professional network IBM's Linux and UNIX communities. With the debut of My developerWorks®, two little characters ("My") make a big difference: They take developerWorks from "just" the place where you find award-winning how-to content for developers and IT professionals to the place where you and your peers congregate to connect, share, and collaborate. Great content is just the beginning, and now it's time for you to take the next step: Create your professional profile and your custom home page on My developerWorks. Then find and connect with like-minded peers, and invite them into your My developerWorks network to share expertise and build groups for further interaction and collaboration.

Cloud computing with Linux thin clients

Explore cloud computing from a Linux® perspective and discover some of the most innovative and popular Linux-based solutions—with a particular view toward environmentally beneficial options. Cloud computing has been covered extensively in a number of venues and from many points of view. For embedded Linux engineers and aficionados, one exciting aspect of cloud computing is the sudden interest in thin Linux clients.

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