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How to enable folders in Chrome’s App Launcher

Google‘s continued invasion on Windows turf took another step forward recently with the addition of an experimental folders feature inside of it’s Chrome Apps Launcher.

What Makes a Classic Linux Desktop 'Classic'?

Based on the figures in LinuxQuestions' Members Choice Awards, 84% of Linux desktop users prefer a classic desktop. By contrast, innovations like GNOME 3 or Ubuntu's Unity lag far behind. Which raises the question: what accounts for the popularity of the classic desktop, and what are the implications for the design of graphical interfaces?

Life without a Windows Desktop

A Linux user talks about assembling an open source desktop with complete functionality.

Android: The Most Popular OS In The World

We have been having the biggest debate of the mobile world for a few years now… Android, or iOS? Each of them have their own major perks. Android has its insane amount of customization possibilities, and iOS has its ease of use (just to name a few). However, a new report from the IDC shows us some irrefutable proof: Android is the most popular mobile operating system in the world.

Ubuntu vs. Rolling Release Distributions

Here in my office, I have two different desktops running Linux. One is running Arch Linux and the other is running Ubuntu. Both distributions are fully up to date, with Ubuntu running the latest release. Each desktop has its assigned tasks throughout my work day, with the Arch box serving as my daily use PC for most work

7 Reasons Not to Use Open Source Software

Businesses of all sizes embrace open source software and the benefits it can bring. Sometimes, though, choosing proprietary software makes better business sense. Here are seven scenarios when it pays to pay for your software.

There have been a rash of "Linux is too haaaaard!" stories recently that recycle all the dumb stuff we've been hearing since Linux was a baby. Sure, it's a waste of pixels, but it's also suggestive of a campaign. - ed.

Five reasons I'd rather run Windows 8 than Linux

I'm not telling you not to run Linux. I'm not even telling you that I won't run Linux. I'm just telling you that I'd rather run Windows. It's that simple.

Let's talk Linux, but in a language we can all understand

Honestly, the language of Linux doesn’t register on the radar of many computer users. And while it’s a great feeling to be a part of the “in crowd,” that's also one of the reasons why Linux often has a hard time gaining much of a foothold with desktops. Sure, anyone these days can learn a GUI -- but Linux users are challenged to learn a completely different way of thinking, a different language, and a different wiring of the brain.

Windows XP and Windows 8: The worst possible combination for Microsoft

ZDNet's Monday Morning Opener: The death of XP and the birth of Windows 8 could create an unexpected opportunity for Android and Apple.

Know How... 78: FreeNAS

Network Attached Storage products have become more commonplace as users demand access to their data on all their network-connected devices. FreeNAS is a FreeBSD-based operating system that installs in 2GB of space and can turn your old hardware into an enterprise-level storage box.

UK Gov planning to abandon Microsoft Office

The UK government is planning to abandon expensive proprietary software including Microsoft Office in favour of open source alternatives.

FLOSS Weekly 279: SCaLE 12X

SCaLE is a community run open-source and free software conference held annually in Los Angeles.

The Remarkable Intel NUC

My unit had Win 8.1 pre-installed on the SSD, but I could easily install various versions of Linux. I'm currently playing with the MINT distro. The NUC easily booted from any of the USB CD Drives I had laying around the house and quickly into Linux Mint. The machine immediately recognized all the weird USB devices I had hooked to a hub connected to the little box.

Android Dominated Apple At CES

About 150,000 people attended the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this year, about 5,000 of whom were tech journalists.

FLOSS Weekly 278: arkOS

arkOS is a project designed to make self-hosting common web services easy for the general public.

Linux Mint 16 “Petra” KDE released!

The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 16 “Petra” KDE.

Linux Mint 16 “Petra” Xfce released!

The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 16 “Petra” Xfce.

Petra backports available in Linux Mint 13

The most significant improvements in Petra are being backported to Maya.

FLOSS Weekly 277: Magnolia and Blossom

Magnolia is an open Java CMS that delivers smartphone simplicity on an enterprise-scale.

Closing the door on Windows: A guide to changing operating systems

Is it time for you to dump Windows XP, or maybe to abandon Windows altogether? Windows 8 has improved significantly with the 8.1 upgrade. Nevertheless, for many users, Windows 8’s modern-style interface—incorporating major changes like Live Tiles and the removal of the Start menu—remains an object of scorn. And security has always been a bigger headache for Windows than for other platforms.

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