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How To Change the Nginx Web Document Location in Linux

By default, the Nginx Web server uses the "/usr/share/nginx/html" document location to store site data, which can be changed to something else. Today, you will learn how to change the Nginx Web Document Location on your Ubuntu/Debian/Fedora/CentOS Linux system.

How to Set Environment Variables in Linux

The environment variable is a pair of keys and values stored within the system and can be accessed by an application from the shell or sub-shell.

You can set environmental variables for your programs, such as user preferences, long commands into the more minor abbreviations, system locale, the path of the executable file, development environment variables, etc.

How to Change Default Root Directory of Apache Web Server

The Apache web server default root directory for storing site content is at the “/var/www/html” path. This directory can be manually changed to the custom directory of your choice.

To achieve this, you need to edit Apache configuration files depending upon the distribution you were using and replace the current directory path with the new location.

How to Install ImageMagick 7 on RHEL/Fedora/AlmaLinux

For RHEL-based distributions such as Fedora, Alma Linux, or CentOS, users can easily install ImageMagick 7 using the below methods.

How to Install ImageMagick 7 on Ubuntu/Debian

If you are an editor and editing images is part of your daily life, then you should try the ImageMagick tool.

ImageMagick is a free and open-source tool to edit, create, compose, or convert digital images into other formats. It supports over 200 formats, including PNG, JPEG, GIF, WebP, HEIC, SVG, PDF, DPX, EXR, and TIFF

How to Install ImageMagick or Imagick PHP Extension in Linux

ImageMagick or Imagick, is a popular image editing tool to create, edit, compose, or convert digital images into another format.

Today, you will learn how to install ImageMagick as an extension for PHP scripts in a few simple steps.

Display History with Date and Time in Linux

The history command is one of the essential utilities for the Linux administrator, usually used to track all the shell commands you execute in a series.

When you execute the command, the shell captures it and then stores it in the separate file of the user’s home directory at ~/.bash_history. When the history command is executed, it fetches the data from this file and displays it as an output with the command and ID on the terminal screen.

3 Ways to Find Out Your IP address in Linux

The IP (Internet Protocol) address is a global standard for assigning unique 32/128-bit hexadecimal values to network-attached devices for identification on the local/global network.

How to Install TeamViewer in Ubuntu 22.04 or Debian-Based Distro’s

Before AnyDesk, TeamViewer was one of the most popular multi-platform remote access and remote control software between computers. TeamViewer is proprietary software and is not included in the Ubuntu repository, but you can still install it on your system by grabbing the deb file from the official TeamViewer website. Today, you will learn how to install TeamViewer on Ubuntu or any Debian-based distributions from a deb file using both CLI and GUI methods.

How to Install VLC Media Player in Linux

There is no need to introduce every person on this planet who knows how to operate a PC. Whether it is Linux or Windows systems, they all know what VLC is.

But still, for those who don’t know what VLC is? VLC is one of the most popular open-source multimedia players. It is cross-platform and supports almost all media format files.

So let me show you how you can install the VLC media player on Linux

Error resolved: 1698 (28000) Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’

This error is very common when you try to log in to your MySQL for the first time. Personally, I too faced this issue multiple times, maybe because we were not following the right way to install MySQL, or we forgot to set a password, or else we didn’t get the options to set a password. Similarly, there may be many other reasons for the above error, but the solution to this error is pretty simple and easy. In this article, you will find a way to resolve 1698 (28000) Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’.

Display Public IP Address using Command-Line in Linux

  • TREND OCEANS; By Gagan Mishra (Posted by trendoceangd on Jun 15, 2022 5:18 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
There are two ways to retrieve external/public IP addresses for your Linux server or system. The fastest method is by resolving the DNS (dig, host), and the other is by retrieving server data through the HTTP protocol (cURL, wget).

What will happens if I run “sudo rm -rf /” on Linux?

No, executing "sudo rm -rf /" will not wipe out your complete system unless you do *. Read the full article to find out.

Linux file system works differently than the windows system. Unlike Windows, which stores files and configurations inside C:, D:, or E: Drive, Linux stores everything inside the root (/).

Missing Extensions option in Gnome Tweaks Tool

After using Ubuntu 22.04 LTS for a long time, it’s time to move to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jelly Fish) to use the new features that have created a lot of hype. While making the change, I found that the gnome tweak tool does not have the extensions option. Because of that, I’m not able to tweak the default option of a particular extension.

That disappoints me. So I started to search on the Internet and found the Gnome team had dropped the Gnome Shell extensions support in Gnome 40 and later versions.

How to Change Apache HTTP Port in Linux

Apache has various functionality known as modules to increase the features of Apache without the need for a restart. In Apache, the default non-secure HTTP connection uses port 80, and the TLS configuration serves the data over port 443.

Today, you will learn how to change the default Apache HTTP port to your custom port in a few steps.

Linux History Command with Advance Examples

All the commands get stored by the shell interpreter: Find where it is stored, how to make it useful; and clear the history data if there’s something you don’t want to save in the record.

How to change MySQL port in Ubuntu Linux

There might be a situation where you need to change MySQL default port 3306 to something else to hide the port number for security purposes, or MySQL port 3306 is already being used by another application.

No matter what your reason for changing ports is, in this article, you will find the steps to change the default MySQL port from 3306 to 3360 or something else.

Install VSCodium Editor on Ubuntu, Pop!_OS, and all other Debian-based Distributions

VSCodium is an editor similar to Microsoft Visual Code, and it is widely available on all platforms like Linux, Windows, macOS, and other architecture.

If you don’t know what VSCoduim is, why use VSCodium over Microsoft Visual Code? Then I must give you a simple explanation. VSCodium is a community-driven application similar to VSCode except for any telemetry/tracking element available in VS Code.

Cut, Copy, and Paste in Vim Editor

When you start using VIM for the first time, there will be a lot of commands or keybindings you need to memorize, and one of them is how to make cut, copy, and paste. It’s very intimidating for newcomers to use the vim editor, but it’s not as complicated as you think.

There might be a situation when you are stuck with the vim editor. At that moment, you should know how to perform this basic task without any hassle.

Monitor CPU Thermal Temperature in Linux

Laptops usually face thermal issues due to their compact space, providing less area for airflow than recommended. However, there are other factors involved, like running resource-heavy applications in low-end systems or still using the old hardware system. It can be disastrous to ignore the temperature details, which might put your system in danger and your body in close contact with your system (laptop) due to thermal fire. Linux provides some third-party CLI/GUI applications to monitor your CPU thermal temperature, which we are about to learn.

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