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How to Install Calibre eBook Management on Ubuntu and Other Linux Distributions

Calibre is an open-source ebook manager and viewer tool that can open, edit, convert and manipulate ebooks. It is available on all platforms, whether it’s a Microsoft Windows, macOS, or any other Linux Distributions along with mobile devices and e-readers like Kindle.

How to install Boost C++ library in Ubuntu or any Debian based distribution

Boost is a portable set of C++ programming language libraries. It contains libraries for pseudo-random number generation, linear algebra, multi-threading, image processing, regular expression, and unit testing. At the time of writing this article, boost has 168 different libraries included in boost.

Install and Use Snap Packages in all Linux Distributions

Snap Store is backed by Canonical, the same organization that developed the popular Debian-based Ubuntu Operating System. The Canonical goal for the Snaps Packages is to create a standalone sandboxed application to package the application with the required dependencies and libraries. This removes the use of outdated dependencies and libraries without affecting the operating system files making it easier for developers to develop an application and for users to use it.

Install Fotoxx photo editor and manager on Ubuntu 20.04 | 22.04 LTS

Fotoxx is a free and open-source collection of photo editing and management tools for managing extensive collections (5000+) of photos that every photographer wishes to have.

The user interface might not be intuitive, but if your goal is the speed with easy-to-use tools, then fotoxx should be your first choice.

The Right Way to Remove Apt, Deb, Snap, and Flatpak Packages on Ubuntu

Apt package manager, .deb file, snap store, and flatpak are the recognized ways to install a package on Debian-based distributions such as Ubuntu and PopOS.

Many people get confused about finding an appropriate method to remove a package from the system. For example, apt remove and apt purge is the standard method of removing packages from the Ubuntu system.

Without much clarity, people randomly use this command to remove packages without understanding the working process of these commands.

List all Installed Packages on Ubuntu and Debian-based Linux Distributions

We are still not in a utopia to have all the rolling-out versions of packages inside solo repositories for which we have to use a different medium to install them.

Today, you will learn how to list all the installed packages from Apt, Deb, Snap, and Flatpak on Ubuntu or other Linux distributions.

How to install an application graphically in Ubuntu/Debian

Is it possible to install the application graphically without touching the command line? I said, “Yes, it’s possible to install applications graphically,” but you need to have an installer installed on your system. You can find a software installer inbuilt, but for some reason, you are not able to access it, or maybe the software installer is missing.

If your problem is similar to my friend then this article will be very handy for fixing this problem

RethinkDNS: All in one tool to get firewall, adblocker, DNS-over-HTTPS

The days have gone back when you needed to install multiple applications for firewall, advertisement blockers, and tunnel connections using DNS-over-HTTPS clients.

Now one single application is capable of doing all kinds of stuff in a very intuitive way.

Enter File or Directory with Space & Special Character in its Name?

Everyone loves to assign fancy names to their files or directory, including special characters, numbers, and spaces. Special characters and numbers are good to have in the name of the files or directories even though they are not recommended.

However, having space in a file or directory name is intriguing. The cd command is usually used to enter inside the directory and does not know what to do with the name containing the spaces and special characters.

Tails 5.1 Anonymous-OS Improves the Tor Connection Assistant, Fix Clock, Updates to Tor

With this release, Tails will fix the current time and time zone by connecting to the captive portal detection service of Fedora, Updating to Tor, Fresh Homepage for disconnected Tor Network System, Associating OpenPGP files with Kleopatra in the Files browser, and many more.

How to remove duplicate lines in a text file

As you know, it’s not possible for an individual to sort out and remove duplicate lines from the file one by one, and literally, it will be very tedious work to do, so to rescue this, you have a special tool called "sort" and "uniq" in Linux, and from the name itself, you have realized what the purpose of this tool is. Apart from that, you will also learn how to use the awk command to find duplicate lines.

Armbian 22.05 added support to Orange PI, Banana, and other arm devices

Armbian community has rolled up a new version of Armbian 22.05 after three months of v(22.02). In this release, they have added support to several arm devices like DevTerm A06, Orange Pi R1+ LTS, Orangepi 3 LTS, Radxa Rock 3A, and Zero. Apart from that, they have even made improvements to the Allwinner A20, Allwinner H5, Odroid N2, and Orange Pi Zero.

Pre-order HP Dev One laptop specially crafted for developers with a POP!_OS

System76 announced its collaboration with HP, which attracted much public interest. Why not developers’ folk get excited when the two best of their industries collaborate with each other and develop the best product for the consumers?

Three months back, one of the users on Reddit posted a question on the subreddit of pop_os: “Some kind of partnership between HP and System76 on the horizon?” To be honest, we were all sure something interesting was happening between HP and System76, and today’s curtain gets lifted with a new line of products called “HP Dev One”.

Arch Linux text-based Installer gets a new update

The developers rolled out a newer version of the Arch Linux text-based installer including beta support of FIDO2 (HSM) support for systemd-boot and many other improvements and changes can be found here:

Don’t miss the jaw-dropping deals on electronic gadgets

Memorial Day is one of the most awaited periods to find a great deal on every single item, whether it’s baby products or your long-awaited hardware gigs. Everything you will find in your budget without burning a hole in your pocket.

You will find every outlet, vendor, or online retail partner will allure you to purchase every item from them, and honestly, it takes a lot of willpower to stop craving more.

So, let us find the deals that cannot be missed. Along with that, I’ll share with you the coupon code that you can apply for the best price.

How UX design can be embraced for privacy

Users see many design patterns online daily. From web designs to different layouts, there is much to discuss. However, there are moments when design patterns do not favor the user. For instance, push notifications might have benign intentions. But users might see them as intrusive and annoying overall.

Additionally, people learn more about dark patterns when visual elements prompt users to perform specific actions.

Smap: Alternate Network Scanner of Nmap by Examples

For Nmap users time to taste another pie of network scanners powered by

Smap now brings all required features on hand to network admin or penetration tester without overgoing to Smap and Nmap are identical and generate the standard output, except Smap will also fetch public open port data from as an addon to standard Nmap.

Pros and Cons of Using React Native for Mobile Development

  • TREND OCEANS; By Chatty Garrate (Posted by trendoceangd on Apr 28, 2022 12:50 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Developer
Versatility is at the core of React Native’s function as an open-source User Interface software framework with its capability of developing applications for multiple operating systems. React Native does this by allowing developers to utilise Reactjs with native platform capabilities.

How to install Twilio Authy in Linux based system

Two-step verification is highly recommended to secure your online accounts. Most services now provide you with a feature to enable two-step verification.

In the early days, we were dependent on OTP for two-factor authentication, but now you can choose several third-party applications for this specific task, and one of them is Twilio Authy.

8+ Locate command usage with examples for Linux

We create several files in the Linux system, and it is not possible for us to remember the locations of all the files. In such a case, you can use the “locate” or “find” command to help you find the file.

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