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Overclocking The NVIDIA Quadro FX1700

Back in March we had reviewed the Quadro FX1700 512MB graphics card, which is NVIDIA's lower-end OpenGL 2.1 workstation graphics card that's based upon the consumer G84 core. In the benchmarks that had followed, we had compared the Quadro FX1700 performance under Windows, Linux, and Solaris. We had found the performance of this Quadro graphics card performed well under all three platforms, but Ubuntu Linux had led the race. We are now preparing a review of the high-end ATI FireGL V8600 1GB graphics card for publishing in the coming days, but we have stumbled upon some results from the FX1700 that never ended up making it out earlier. Specifically we had overclocked the Quadro FX1700 with CoolBits and it had actually worked out quite well. In this article are the overclocking results from this NVIDIA workstation graphics card as well as comparing the performance to an ATI Radeon HD 2900XT 512MB graphics card.

Fedora 9 promises better eyecandy, networking

Fedora 9 is scheduled for release tomorrow. Six months after Fedora 8 was released, Fedora 9 will be available in a variety of “spins” (custom boot images for everything from desktop installs to USB devices) with improved networking and eyecandy.

Changing The Language & Keyboard Layout On Various Distributions

This document describes how to reconfigure the default language and the keyboard layout on various distributions so that they suit your location. I made this howto for our VMware images where the keyboard layout is always set to German and a few users have problems to configure the language and keyboard layout on these images.

Connect to Zoho Writer and Google Docs with OoGdocsIntegrator

Do you fancy Web-based word processors but aren't ready to leave You can work with your Zoho Writer and Google Docs files from the convenience of Writer, courtesy of the OoGdocsIntegrator extension. Despite its name, the OoGdocsIntegrator extension can handle both Google Docs and Zoho Writer. In fact, it offers better integration with the latter than the former. Since OoGdocsIntegrator is written in Java, you have to make sure that you have the Java Runtime Environment installed on your machine and enabled in To do this, choose Tools -> Options -> -> Java. Make sure that Sun's Java Runtime Environment is selected, press OK, and restart

Audacity Tutorial part 1 -- Recording audio tracks

  • Linux Sound & Music Website; By Pawel Wolniewicz (Posted by pwlw on May 12, 2008 3:01 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
Audacity is a cross-platform digital audio editor application. It imports and records audio tracks, provides a large palette of digital effects and plug-ins, and can be used for a variety of tasks – from post-processing of podcasts, to converting and mastering cassette tapes or records into digital tracks. This tutorial presents the most important features of Audacity. Part 1 is devoted to issues associated with recording of audio files. Next parts will show how to use effects, mix tracks and remove vocals from music recordings.

DistroWatch Weekly: Fedora 9 with KDE 4, Bluewhite64 interview, PC-BSD 7 alpha

  •; By Ladislav Bodnar (Posted by dave on May 12, 2008 2:05 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Newsletter
Welcome to this year's 19th issue of DistroWatch Weekly! It's a Fedora week here at DistroWatch. A new version of the popular distribution will be released later this week, complete with the usual cutting edge features, such as KDE 4, dramatic speed improvements, support for the ext4 file system and many others. One popular application set missing from the distro, however, is KDE 3.5, now relegated to the dustbins of history by the project. If you are a Fedora KDE user, should you upgrade or should you not? Read our first-impressions review of Fedora 9 KDE to obtain some answers. In the news section, openSUSE presents several user interface improvements for its package manager, Ubuntu prepares to deliver cool new features in Intrepid Ibex, Attila Craciun introduces the Slackware-based Bluewhite64 Linux, and PC-BSD updates its artwork and fixes bugs in preparation for the 7.0 release. Also included are several resources to help you manage your OpenSolaris system better and an interesting update on Oracle Enterprise Linux. Happy reading!

Skype agrees to obey GPL

The company has abandoned its appeal against a German ruling that it must supply source code with Linux-based VoIP phones, in compliance with GPLv2.

Microsoft emails Blender

Microsoft has just approached the Blender guys, and I would assume have or will approach other FOSS projects since we learn that Microsoft has assigned a guy to work with Open Source projects, with a request for information on how to make Blender run better on Windows.

Who controls your data?

The main problem with"social networking" isn't just that your"social" life has corporate boundaries. It's that your personal choices do too.

Why we love Ubuntu Linux (or maybe we don't)

With Ubuntu 8.04 now on the streets, it’s time to catch a breather and reflect on just why Ubuntu gets all the hype. Why is Ubuntu the hottest brand in Linuxdom at this time? Why is it the distro most frequently advocated? I posed these questions to readers and LUG members; here’s the feedback from real-life Linux users.

A Linux ThinkPad

I was gladdened yesterday when reported a sale on a new Lenovo ThinkPad R61 running SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop ($552, see below). It's not everyday that you run into a major PC vendor selling machines pre-loaded with Linux (excluding servers). Perhaps pre-installing Linux will become more popular, in part, due to a Vista backlash. Or, the popularity of Linux of ultra-cheap laptops (where Vista doesn't belong) such as the Asus EEE PC, will lay a foundation for its expansion. Once people see and touch and smell recent editions of Linux, they'll realize it is no more different from Windows XP than is the Mac OSX. And, as Lenovo says, Linux "Eliminates virus and spyware downtime".

Once shunned by academics, Wikipedia now a teaching tool

Wikipedia, the upstart Internet encyclopedia that most universities forbid students to use, has suddenly become a teaching tool for professors. Recently, university teachers have swapped student term papers for assignments to write entries for the free online encyclopedia. Wikipedia is an "open-source" web site, which means that entries can be started or edited by anyone in the world with an Internet connection.

Bitrock on center stage with its Network Service

You may never have heard of BitRock, the company that has traditionally competed with OpenLogic, SpikeSource, and SourceLabs in the "open-source stacks" business but has seen much more success with its excellent installers, which upwards of 60 percent of commercial open-source projects use including SugarCRM, JasperSoft, Ringside Networks, and more. The name may be unfamiliar to you, but not for long.

The Popup Scrollbar Concept

As you may remember from our series on common usability terms, I have a lot of interest in graphical user interface concepts. In addition, I applaud anyone trying to improve existing concepts, people that try to think beyond set conventions to come up with an improved version of that concept, or a new concept altogether. Thorsten Wilms took on the well-established concept of the scrollbar, and came up with a few interesting tweaks.

[Sort of FOSS related, but too cool not to share. - Scott]

LXer Weekly Roundup for 11-May-2008

LXer Feature: 11-May-2008

In this week's Roundup we have why Brazil loves Linux, a review of the top 5 tiny distros, an article on how the Eee PC is easy enough for kids and why the Eee PC is cheaper with XP on it for some reason. Also, 80 of the best Linux security applications, Should Linux standardize on a single distro, an interactive Linux kernel map and for some laughs we have the top ten reasons for a Linux laptop.

Unison - file synchronization tool

Unison is a file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows. It allows two replicas of a collection of files and directories to be stored on different hosts (or different disks on the same host), modified separately, and then brought up to date by propagating the changes in each replica to the other.

Compiz Fusion On Mandriva One 2008.1 Spring (GNOME/NVIDIA)

This document describes how to enable and configure Compiz Fusion on a Mandriva One 2008.1 Spring GNOME desktop with an NVIDIA graphics card.

Open Source and the Soul of a Startup

  •; By Dan Burcaw (Posted by Scott_Ruecker on May 11, 2008 5:06 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
I have read a few blog entries lately questioning the value of open source. The most over-the-top comes from Andy Patrizio. In his posting, titled “Big Money and Open Source May Not Compute”, Andy sounds like a school yard bully angry that his turf is finally being challenged: "Oh yea?! Well, open source hasn’t produced a billionaire. Take that!!!"

What to expect from Ubuntu 8.10

With the release of Ubuntu Hardy Heron now behind us, most eyes are turned to October when Intrepid Ibex, or Ubuntu Linux 8.10, will make its debut. While Hardy Heron was designed to be stable enough to be a long-term support release, Intrepid Ibex promises to be packed with more exciting features, something that Ubuntu fans always enjoy.

Reading Network Packets Part 1

Reading network data can be difficult. Tools and utilities such as wireshark, tcpdump and nmap exist that can aide in dealing with networks at multiple levels. What if, however, one needed to integrate packet reading or writing into their own code? The libpcap library exists for the very purpose of dealing with network data a higher level than the raw socket API. In part one of a three part series a look at writing a very simplistic packet reader utility which can easily be used as the basis for integrating the functionality of libpcap into an existing application.

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