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USPTO scrutinizes Linux, Java

  • (Posted by dave on Jan 26, 2004 4:23 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
"US Patent and Trademark Office officials are looking toward Linux and Java technologies as they begin planning for a comprehensive new information technology that it is the first groupware product to run entirely on Linux..."

HP ports OpenView to Linux

  • Linux World (Posted by dave on Jan 26, 2004 4:23 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: HP
Hewlett-Packard Co. (HP) is porting OpenView Operations (OVO) to Linux, and renewing OpenView for Unix in the process. Due next 3 days. that it is the first groupware product to run entirely on Linux at both

MyDoom virus starts hammering email boxes

  • NewsForge (Posted by dave on Jan 26, 2004 4:22 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
UPDATED A new Windows virus, called MyDoom (officially, W32/Mydoom@MM) and circulating in the form of a 32K Zip file, began hitting corporate and private e-mail boxes Monday at about 1 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. It masquerades as a Kazaa P2P component and tries to embed itself in the Kazaa shared folder for music and other file-swapping.

Microsoft Virtual PC 2004

OS without flinching. Red Hat Fedora and Mandrake 9.2 run on our test XP machine through VPC2004 without a hitch. However, users II.

No go for SCO licences

  • Australian IT (Posted by dave on Jan 26, 2004 4:22 PM EDT)
  • Groups: SCO; Story Type: News Story
AUSTRALIAN government users of Linux are ignoring SCO's offer of licences to protect them from possible legal action over the company's claim to intellectual

Mozilla Developer Day: Date and Registration Details Announced

Marcia Knous writes in: "The date has been announced for The Mozilla Foundation Developer Day - the event will be held on Friday, February 27th.

Slackware alert: GAIM security update (SSA:2004-026-01)

New GAIM packages are available for Slackware 9.0, 9.1, and -current. 12 vulnerabilities were found in the instant messenger GAIM that allow remote compromise. All sites using GAIM should upgrade to these new packages. These are based on GAIM 0.75 with patches for all 12 security issues. Thanks to Stefan Esser of e-matters GmbH for finding and reporting these bugs.

Red Hat eyes client opportunities

"Red Hat Inc. is accelerating development of Linux for the desktop and handheld clients, but sees considerable work to complete before facing Microsoft Corp. in the consumer market, according to the company's chief executive officer (CEO)."

LR101 achieves first release

  • LinuxDevices (Posted by dave on Jan 26, 2004 1:08 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
"The LR101 Linux Router project has achieved its first release, after more than six months of work. LR101 aims to build a VPN router supporting all major routing protocols on a standardized hardware platform based on VIA mini-ITX motherboards running embedded Linux. The initial release includes configuration interfaces, add-ons, and extensions."

How To: Installing Slackware Linux

Slackware Linux is one of the oldest Linux distributions remaining. Over the years, it has stayed true to its roots and form. Slackware

Open-source Model for Outsourcing

  • ComputerWorld (Posted by dave on Jan 26, 2004 11:09 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Regarding the challenges of offshore outsourcing: "But there is one tool that suggests how offshore development can be managed: the Web site."

Globalization and women, copyright infringement in open source, ...

  • Onlamp (Posted by dave on Jan 26, 2004 11:07 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Another female colleague I know who runs her own consulting company told me this week that open source has many qualities we traditionally think of as feminine

IETF roiled over NAT

  • NewsForge (Posted by dave on Jan 26, 2004 10:26 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
If there is one topic that can get the members of the Internet Engineering Task Force worked up, such as they were once again last week, it is the topic of network address translation, or NAT. Here's a snapshot of the debates over the use of NAT as a hindrance to the implementation of IPv6, as evidenced by posts to the IETF discussion list.

Powerescape Launches New Products for the Design of Low Power ...

The products run on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Fedora Core from the Red Hat sponsored Fedora Project, Sun Solaris, Microsoft Windows using Cygwin, and Apple Mac

Linux headed for worldwide smartphone domination

  • LinuxDevices (Posted by dave on Jan 26, 2004 10:26 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Linux may become the preferred operating system in a full-featured mobile device and handset market in which "there is no economic reason to question why growth will not be explosive," according to Seamus McAteer, senior analyst and managing partner, Zelos Group. "The mass adoption of full-featured handsets will be disruptive," adds McAteer.

Red Hat alert: Updated Gaim packages fix various vulnerabiliies

  • Mailing list (Posted by dave on Jan 26, 2004 10:26 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Security; Groups: Red Hat
Updated Gaim packages that fix a number of serious vulnerabilities are now available.

Red Hat alert: Updated slocate packages fix vulnerabilities

  • Mailing list (Posted by dave on Jan 26, 2004 10:26 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Security; Groups: Red Hat
Updated slocate packages are now available that fix vulnerabilities allowing a local user to gain "slocate" group privileges.

Xandros announces Linux desktop aimed at business, wins award

  • DesktopLinux (Posted by dave on Jan 26, 2004 9:03 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
"Xandros announced a version of its Linux operating system for the corporate desktop, Xandros Business Desktop."

SQL Server Access with PHP has a new piece to walk you through the connection of PHP to a Microsoft SQL server from a Linux machine.

Domit XML parser

  • php architect (Posted by dave on Jan 26, 2004 8:49 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: PHP
This package is an XML parser completely written in PHP. It is lightweight, fast, and implements a generous subset of the DOM Level 1 specification. all heard that PHP decided to bundle SQLite with their free distribution

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