Please add https to

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Dec 27, 2022
11:05 AM EDT is the best Linux news site, but over company has made a restriction that only https sites can be seen. I can't check for Linux news in company anymore.

Also if using Tor browser it requires by default to use https and takes like a minute to redirect from https to http - probably it tries to establish https connection multiple times.

Now I am force to use other Linux news sites and so use less and less.

It is now the norm to use https site in all web sites. Can you please add https to your site? It shouldn't be so hard. You can get free SSL certificate on Let's Encrypt web site and you can automate SSL certificate renewal.

Also HTML/2 is way faster using https then http, because many optimizations in HTML/2 were only implemented by browsers for https and were not implemented for http. See for example:

I hope now that almost every site on the web has https (I actually use as the only site with http only) it is the time to move to https. Regards

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