Ohio Linux Fest Looms!

Posted by Scott_Ruecker on Sep 11, 2008 7:49 PM EDT
Ohio LinuxFest 2008; By Paul "FeriCyde" Ferris
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Don't forget to pre-register for the coolest Linux event in the MidWest!

I have to take a few minutes and plug my favorite Linux event. Every year around this time a huge number of Linux geeks converge upon downtown Columbus Ohio. Registration (free!) has been open for quite some time. The even takes place October 11 and is part trade show, part geek-fest, part technical -- but it's 100% fun.

You won't want to miss out on the after-event party as well. I go every year and I've loved every minute of this show. Shameless plug -- I'll be speaking this year. Don't let that scare you away though -- other people are presenting really cool stuff. There's bound to be something in there that would interest just about anyone with a Linux passion.

Register Now!

From the web site:

The sixth annual Ohio LinuxFest will be held on October 10-11, 2008 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in downtown Columbus, Ohio. Hosting authoritative speakers and a large expo, the Ohio LinuxFest welcomes Free and Open Source Software professionals, enthusiasts, and anyone who wants to take part in the event. The Ohio LinuxFest is a free, grassroots conference for the Linux/Open Source Software/Free Software community that started in 2003 as a large inter-LUG meeting and has grown steadily since. It is a place for the community to gather and share information about Linux and Open Source Software. A large expo area adjacent to the conference rooms will feature exhibits from our sponsors as well as a large .org section from non-profit Open Source/Free Software projects.

For more go to https://www.ohiolinux.org/

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