3.0 Promises New Life for Office Software

Posted by sakgarg on Sep 19, 2008 6:21 AM EDT
OStatic; By Kristin Shoemaker
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Print this story is in an unenviable place. Office suites -- word processors, spreadsheets, presentations and the ilk -- are utilitarian, complex bundles of software. They are a necessity of modern life, used daily by individuals and businesses all over the world. It isn't that people take them for granted. People don't consider them much at all. It has been a long time since I've had any feelings whatsoever about an office suite. There have been developments in office software that have been innovative, such as online document creation. And though useful, I still can't honestly say that I've been enthusiastic about (or, since Clippy was retired, repulsed by) any office application.

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OO.o 3.x is great tracyanne 10 2,648 Sep 23, 2008 12:08 AM

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