The Fastest Linux Boot Yet? 1 second

Posted by red5 on Jul 14, 2009 7:15 PM EDT; By Sean Kerner
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The race for the fastest Linux boot has been going on for about a year at this point and now we've got a new winner. Embedded Linux vendor MontaVista today is announcing the demonstration of a 1 second Linux boot. In contrast the fastest production Linux releases today are in the 20-25 second range. To be fair, MontaVista's Linux with the 1 second boot is embedded and designed specifically for the Freescale Semiconductor MPC5121e hardware built on Power Architecture technology. That's not to say they can't get the same performance on other architectures, it's that is the hardware on which the first 1 second boot is being demonstrated.

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Subject Topic Starter Replies Views Last Post
Is that a real boot? Sander_Marechal 68 5,943 Aug 10, 2009 3:24 PM

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