LXer Feature: 15-Aug-2009 A month or so ago I purchased a TomTom One map/navigation device, only to discover there is no Linux client for TomTom home, and as a consequence i am unable to update the maps on the device, or indeed, any other useful information that is made available for the device.
A month or so ago I purchased a TomTom One map/navigation device, only to discover there is no Linux client for TomTom home, and as a consequence I am unable to update the maps on the device, or indeed, any other useful information that is made available for the device.
I purchased this device after learning that TomTom are a Linux company, or so I thought, after having read about how TomTom was sued by Microsoft for breach of copyright on the use of FAT32, and how TomTom had sought assistance from the Linux Foundation, and also that the TomTom devices are built on top of the Linux kernel and other Free Software tools.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Tom Tom are not, I repeat are not a Linux company, they are not even a Linux friendly company, what they are, in fact, are leaches, they use Linux and other free Software, and even run to the Linux foundation when threatened by the likes of Microsoft, but they do not support Linux, and nor, based on the replies I've received, does appear likely they are about to. They use Linux and Free software because it reduces their costs, but they are not prepared to give a single thing back to the community they take from.
I am now the proud possessor of a TomTom One navigation device that is of absolutely no use to me at all. I can not update it, short of finding someone with a Windows or Macintosh computer who will allow me to install TomTom Home on their computer, so I update my navigation device, or go out and buy a new computer (suddenly the cost of owning a TomTom has increased by a factor of 2, 3, or 4), all the device is good for now is to toss in a drawer, or hopefully recoup some of the money by selling it a a loss to someone with a Windows or Macintosh computer.
Below is the entire thread of my discussion with the TomTom "Help" desk. The question I originally asked was
"How do I install maps using Ubuntu 9.04. You don't appear to have a Tom Tom home version for Ubuntu." |
The final response from TomTom was the following.
"Apologies, but at this time it is not possible to install maps without TomTom Home, and as we are aware, TomTom Home is not compatible with your computer operating system.
This means the only way you are able to update your maps will be to use either a Windows PC or a Macintosh computer.
I am afraid I cannot say when your system will be supported, or even if it will happen in the future." |
The question and the responses can be read from the bottom up.
Customer (tracy anne) 15/08/2009 02.00 PM
So what are you telling me here?
Are you suggesting that I go out and buy either a Macintosh Computer or a windows computer, so I can use my TomTom One, and update maps on on it. Or are you suggesting that I find someone with a Windows or Macintosh computer and ask them if I can update my maps on their computer?
I went out and bought the TomTom One after I read about Microsoft suing you over patent violations, and how you use Linux and Free Open Source Software on your devices, and how you joined the Linux Foundation, and I thought wonderful a company that has a product that I want and who supports Linux. Now I discover that you don't support Linux, that in fact you are Leaches, who use the freely available software developed by the Linux community, and give nothing back to that community, not even something as simple as a Linux client for you TomTom Home application, and even when doing that little would be a benefit to you sales wise.
It doesn't even have to cost you anything to develop, you could have gone to the community and asked, and for the price of sharing you could have a Linux version of TomTom Home. But instead you leach you take and take and take, and the community that you take from and benefit from receives nothing, not even a scrap such as a TomTom Home client for Linux, that would be of more benefit to you than the community.
You are disgusting leaches, and I will do all in my power to dissuade people not to buy you products. It won't be much,I understand that, but maybe, just maybe I can convince enough people to do the same, and just maybe I will have a negative affect on you sales.
Response (Mathew S. (AU)) 13/08/2009 09.56 PM
Dear Ms ,
Thank you for contacting TomTom Customer Care
The reference number for your query is 090731-009768.
Apologies, but at this time it is not possible to install maps without TomTom Home, and as we are aware, TomTom Home is not compatible with your computer operating system.
This means the only way you are able to update your maps will be to use either a Windows PC or a Macintosh computer.
I am afraid I cannot say when your system will be supported, or even if it will happen in the future.
With Kind Regards
The TomTom Customer Care Team
Should you wish to reply to this email, please log in to your TomTom account via the TomTom website.
Click on ‘My TomTom’ in the top right -> ‘My Questions History', click on the title of your email then click on 'Update Question'.
You can also attach documents that you wish to send to us by clicking on 'Browse'. You can then find the document you wish to attach and click on 'Add Attachment'.
Customer (tracy anne) 13/08/2009 09.45 PM
Obviously you don't take customer questions or complaints seriously enough.
This is the second time you have passed my question/complaint on to the "2nd Line team, Product Management and Marketing Team." and my issue has still not been resolved.
I have a TomTom One product that I am unable to update the maps on, and the best you have been able to tell me is that you thank me me for my comments, well whoop do doo, that doesn't fix my problem. I still have a Tom Tom One product that I can't use.
I have asked you when you are going to Support Linux. You have given me no time frame.
Given that your products are built on top of the freely available Linux kernel and other Free and Open Source Software it's rather selfish of you to not give back to the Linux community and supply a Linux client so that Linux users can also use your products, which also makes it extremely short sighted of you, given that you are passing up a potential market.
But back to my immediate problem.
How do I load maps on my TomTom One? given that your TomTom Home client does not work on my computer's operating system.
Please give me detailed instructions for performing this task.
Response (Mathew S. (AU)) 13/08/2009 07.13 PM
Dear Ms ,
Thank you for contacting TomTom Customer Care
We would like to thank you for your feedback regarding Home compatibility.
At TomTom we take all customer comments, feedback and suggestions seriously and therefore we have passed your comments on to our 2nd Line team, Product Management and Marketing Team.
With Kind Regards
The TomTom Customer Care Team
Customer (tracy anne) 10/08/2009 12.56 PM
Given that it should be trivial to support the Linux based operating Systems like Ubuntu and Mandriva, because of the fact that the TOM Tom home client is based om Mozilla's Multi platform technologies, when are you about to start supporting Linux based Systems?
I see no point in supporting TomTom, and every reason to actively dissuade anyone and everyone, with whom I have even the slightest influence, from using TomTom products, given my current experience.
Response (Mathew S. (AU)) 05/08/2009 07.44 PM
Dear Ms ,
Thank you for contacting TomTom Customer Care
The reference number for your query is 090731-009768.
Apologies for the delay in responding to your issue.
I appreciate that it is frustrating that we do not support Linux operating systems at this time, but I am afraid that it is not possible to download maps without the pre-mentioned operating systems.
With Kind Regards
The TomTom Customer Care Team
Should you wish to reply to this email, please log in to your TomTom account via the TomTom website.
Click on ‘My TomTom’ in the top right -> ‘My Questions History', click on the title of your email then click on 'Update Question'.
You can also attach documents that you wish to send to us by clicking on 'Browse'. You can then find the document you wish to attach and click on 'Add Attachment'.
Customer (tracy anne) 05/08/2009 06.01 PM
So much for the TomTom help
There is none
Is this how you treat all your customers?
Customer (tracy anne) 04/08/2009 07.12 AM
I still can't use my Tom Tom One
Customer (tracy anne) 01/08/2009 07.40 AM
Unfortunately you failed to address any of the Issues I have with TomTom and the TomTom One and the lack of TomTom Home support for my computer operating System.
1/ You did not explain to me why, given that the TomTom Home Product, which is based on the same cross platform Free and Open Source Libraries and other correct components as Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird etc, you are unable to create version of your TomTom Home product that supports Linux.
2/ You failed to explain to me what the logic is in providing a Free (no charge), version of Tom Tom Home for MacOSX and Window, while not providing a similar Free (no charge) product for Linux, and thereby alienating customers like myself, and indeed Thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands of potential customers.
Given that according Microsoft's Steve Balmer, and Microsoft, in a presentation made to shareholder, the Linux market share is between 10% and 15%, about the same as or slightly higher than the MacOSx market share. It seems ludicrous a/ to not support Linux with your Free (no charge) TomTom Home product, while at the same time supporting the MacOSx operatings system. In other words, if the Linux market share is too low to warrent support, the obviously the MacOSx market share is too low to warrant support.
3/ You have also failed to address, so far, the issue of how I am to update my TomTom one, as I do not have a computer with Microsoft Windows, nor for that matter do I have a computer with MacOSX. So please describe for me the steps I must take to update my TomTom Home without access to the TomTom Home product.
Response (Mathew S. (AU)) 31/07/2009 11.59 PM
Dear Ms ,
Thank you for contacting TomTom Customer Care
We would like to thank you for your feedback regarding TomTom Home compatibility.
At TomTom we take all customer comments, feedback and suggestions seriously and therefore we have passed your comments on to our 2nd Line team, Product Management and Marketing Team.
With Kind Regards
The TomTom Customer Care Team
Customer (tracy anne) 31/07/2009 11.31 PM
Given that TomTom home is built using the same Free and Open Source Software Libararies and base components as those used by Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird and several other Mozilla products are built. and given that all of these products are fully cross platform, support LUbuntu, MacOSX and Windows, what is the difficulty for you to produce an Ubuntu compatible TomTom Home application.
Given too that TomTom Home is Free (of charge), and the MacOSX and Windows versions are cost items to you, what is the difference if you also create an Ubuntu version, and considering that you will in the process gain customers, where is the logic in not creating an Ubuntu compatible version of TomTom Home, and thereby continue to alienate people such as my self who were stupid enough to by your product, only to now discover that it is totally unusable.
Response (Mathew S. (AU)) 31/07/2009 10.24 PM
Dear Ms ,
Thank you for contacting TomTom Customer Care
The reference number for your query is 090731-009768.
Apologies, but at this time we do not support your computer system, TomTom Home is only compatible with Windows or Macintosh PCs.
With Kind Regards
The TomTom Customer Care Team
Should you wish to reply to this email, please log in to your TomTom account via the TomTom website.
Click on ‘My TomTom’ in the top right -> ‘My Questions History', click on the title of your email then click on 'Update Question'.
You can also attach documents that you wish to send to us by clicking on 'Browse'. You can then find the document you wish to attach and click on 'Add Attachment'.
Customer (tracy anne) 31/07/2009 09.40 PM
How do I install maps using Ubuntu 9.04. You don't appear to have a Tom Tom home version for Ubuntu.