GIMP 2.8 May Not Come Until Late November

Posted by bob on Apr 19, 2011 11:14 AM EDT
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GIMP 2.7.2 was released last week as a development stop in the road to GIMP 2.8, which itself was supposed to be released last December. But with the single-window user-interface lagging behind along with other work, GIMP 2.8 development dragged along with its limited number of core developers. It looked like it would just be a few more months until 2.8 was released, but with v2.7.2 just arriving, that's not likely to happen. Based upon a new tool developed by one of the GIMP developers, the 2.8 release isn't estimated to occur until the end of November...

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Waiting with interest Ridcully 12 2,288 May 3, 2011 6:23 PM

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