11 Who Died in 2011 (And Were Not Named Steve)

Posted by mbaehrlxer on Jan 3, 2012 12:06 AM EDT
wired.com; By Robert McMillan
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This article is not about Steve Jobs. He died this year -- yes, we all know that -- but gone too is Dennis Ritchie, one of the creators of the Unix operating system that powers Apple's computers. Also departed are Jack Goldman, the man who came up with the idea to start Xerox PARC, where Jobs got his graphical user interface, Paul Baran, an important Internet pioneer who developed packet switching, and Nobutoshi Kihara, who was known as Sony's "Mr. Walkman," long before Jobs was flogging the iPod.

So here are 11 technology giants who left us this year, and the amazing legacies they left behind.

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Thanks for this post beirwin 1 1,588 Jan 4, 2012 1:46 AM

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