Fedora Core 2 test release 1 now available!

Posted by dave on Feb 12, 2004 6:28 AM EDT
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This release is the first Fedora Core release to include the 2.6 kernel, GNOME 2.5, KDE 3.2, and XFCE. Testing of all of these areas would be appreciated, above and beyond any other testing.

"Get off the stage, you old hack!"
"I only got 24 hours to hack, and I ain't gonna waste
 it on this OS."

Ah, but wait...


I hold in my hand, the release that determines whether hundreds of bugs live or die, this very evening!

In a moment, I will open the mirrors, leading to the release of this test OS!

Aimed directly at this release date are GNOME 2.5, KDE 3.2, and XFCE 4.0.3, our desktop triumvirate!

These desktops will be resting on the 2.6 kernel, trained to perform the most scalable of tasks in just milliseconds!

This software's only hope of survival is our community's crack team of developers... secured to their high speed network lines, they will descend to hack on this software, spinning a web of stability in less than 8 weeks!

Not good enough, you say?

Well, what if they were all BLINDFOLDED!

Ladies and gentlemen, may I suggest that those of you with weak constitutions leave the arena, for this act is so dangerous that if the slightest thing should go wrong...

kernel: Oops: 0000 [#1]

Yes, it's time for the first test release of Fedora Core 2. This release is the first Fedora Core release to include the 2.6 kernel, GNOME 2.5, KDE 3.2, and XFCE. Testing of all of these areas would be appreciated, above and beyond any other testing.

As always, test releases are not intended for use on production environments. Use of test releases in production environments could lead to FLAMING DEATH!

Problems with Fedora Core 2 test 1 should be reported via bugzilla, at:


Please report bugs against 'Fedora Core', release 'test1'.

Some technical notes:

  • Fedora Core 2 test 1 is currently only available for i386-compatible architectures. x86_64 will appear in a later test release.

  • The only boot methods supported for the installer are via CD, and via methods such as PXE. There are no boot floppies.

  • Upgrades via anaconda are very untested; test at your own risk. Upgrades of systems with their root filesystem on LVM is known to not work.

  • Due to a release error, the CD and PXE boot images support booting only on i686 or higher processors (this includes Athlons). This will be rectified in a future test release; in the meantime, you can upgrade via up2date or yum.

For more information on just what the Fedora Project and Fedora Core is, please see:


For discussion of Fedora Core test releases, send mail to:




in the subject line. You can leave the body empty. Or see:


As always, you can get Fedora Core test releases at redhat.com, specifically:


Or on the following mirrors:

More mirrors will come online in the near future; check:


for a list of mirrors that carry Fedora Core.

One additional feature provided by the Linux community is the availability of Fedora Core releases via BitTorrent.


RPMS for Red Hat Linux 7.3 through 9 and Fedora Core 1 of BitTorrent are available from:

  • http://torrent.dulug.duke.edu/btrpms/

    Usage is simple:

    btdownloadcurses.py --url http://URL.torrent

    Allow incoming TCP 6881 - 6889 to join the torrent swarm. http://torrent.dulug.duke.edu/

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