Unmoderated? That's an outright lie.

Story: Bill Hilf blog attracts anti-Microsoft postersTotal Replies: 5
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Apr 11, 2006
10:58 AM EDT
Quote: "Hilf says the unmoderated blog called Port 25 at http://port25.technet.com/archive/2006/03/28/8.aspx is intended to promote open communications between his interoperability team and the Open Source community."

That's total BS. I made one post several days ago. It was deleted within an hour, presumably because while the first half was on topic, I finished the post with a brief explanation of why I switched to Linux at home, though I still use Windows at work. I tried to keep it fairly polite. The thread I posted to was about the posix subsystem improvements in Vista. They had a nice video.

If there are a lot of anti-Microsoft posts, it's because Microsoft hasn't been able to moderate them fast enough.

Apr 11, 2006
12:44 PM EDT
There were a lot of anti-Microsoft posts. A whole lot. I only managed to scroll through the first 50 or so.

Apr 11, 2006
1:18 PM EDT
Maybe I beat the crowd, and they stopped moderating soon after.

Apr 11, 2006
4:52 PM EDT
How can you tell when Microsoft is lying?

If they still exist, they're lying.


Apr 11, 2006
7:11 PM EDT
Thanks guys. You've inspired me.

Apr 11, 2006
9:33 PM EDT
dtfinch: You did exactly what they did not want you to do. You stated your case on why Linux IS better. In the article they quote a system admin who says..

"I have Windows desktops and they run well enough (WSUS is a godsend), but here's the rub. I have two Windows servers on the network and they constantly need rebooting. My Linux boxes run under heavy load for months and years at a time, my Windows servers last a week before needing a "pre-emptive reboot". Maybe it's MS's fault, maybe it's the software I'm running on top of it, maybe its both, all I know is that my servers have to just work 24x7 and I don't get that with Microsoft products."

"..I don't get that with Microsoft products." and he never will.

That says it all.

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