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Michel Ludwig on Kile, KDE Platform 4 and Git

After investigating the work being done on KBibTeX a few months ago, we turn our attention to Kile, KDE's LaTeX and TeX editor. LaTeX is a document markup language and document preparation system built on top of the typesetting system TeX. It is frequently used for scientific publications as an alternative to word processors. There is no stable Platform 4 version of Kile yet, but beta releases are already available and a stable release is not far away. Alexander van Loon took the opportunity to ask Michel Ludwig how the next version of Kile is shaping up. At this moment, Michel is the sole developer working on Kile.

German Foreign Office kills desktop Linux, hugs Windows XP

Openistas beware! Politicos at the German Foreign Office are reportedly ditching Linux in favour of returning their desktop PCs to Windows XP-based systems. According to a report on, which was diligently spotted by The H, the German Foreign Office recently decided to dump their Linux-based machines.

Acer in alleged Chrome OS monitor plot

Acer has announced the first Google Chrome OS device, according to a somewhat sketchy report out of Germany citing Acer itself. Oddly enough, the device is not a notebook. It's an all-in-one PC. Heise Online reports that Acer has unveiled a Chrome OS–based all-in-one PC dubbed the Acer DX241H. According to Heise, which cites Acer itself, the 24-inch LCD display includes an ARM Cortex-A8 system-on-chip. Much like Apple's iMac, PC brains are built into the monitor. Allegedly.

XFCE 4.8 Desktop Environment

Although often classed as light-weight, XFCE qualifies as a medium weight amongst the Linux front ends. It's heavier than, say, LXDE or Window Maker but it uses less resources than KDE or Gnome. However, it is a desktop environment rather than simply a window manager, and as such, it comes with a set of associated utilities.

Farewell MS Exchange, Hello Linux Open-Xchange

Where oh where can we find refuge from Microsoft Exchange? One option is Open-Xchange, a groupware suite that serves as a replacement for Microsoft Exchange. From a licensing and cost perspective, OX looks like a great deal--but that means nothing if your users are going to revolt. So let's look at how OX stands up from the user's perspective, and whether you can cut the ties or not and still keep users happy.

Customise Ubuntu with Ubuntu Tweak

Customisation is an inherent part of Linux, but if you're not comfortable working without your mouse, tweaking aspects of your desktop can be tricky. That's where Ubuntu Tweak comes in. It's a nifty little app that helps you modify aspects of your Ubuntu installation. It breaks your desktop into various categories and enables you to tweak settings buried inside the regular Gnome admin panel and config scripts.

Eben Moglen promotes Freedom in a box

In a recent interview with The H, Eben Moglen professor of law and legal history at Columbia University, and the founder, Director-Counsel and Chairman of the Software Freedom Law Center, spoke about his ideas for using simple hardware to free individuals from the tyranny of the client/server model imposed by current web services. It seems his ideas may be on the way to becoming reality in the form of the FreedomBox.

Mozilla's "modern browser" attack on IE overlooks Firefox shortcomings

Microsoft and Mozilla traded barbs this week in a dispute over what constitutes a "modern" Web browser. The competitive friction is starting to heat up because the Redmond software giant and Silicon Valley nonprofit are preparing to release the next major versions of their respective Web browsers. Mozilla's Firefox 4 is expected to arrive this month and Microsoft's Internet Explorer 9 is in the release candidate stage. Both browsers are set to introduce a significant number of new features for end users and Web developers, including extensive support for critical next-generation Web standards.

KWin Embraces New Platforms with OpenGL ES 2.0 Support

Over the last few months the KWin development team worked on bringing the Window Manager for KDE's Plasma workspaces to mobile devices. This has required porting the compositing code to OpenGL ES 2.0, the open graphics API for programmable embedded graphics hardware. With the migration of KWin's codebase to git, the code was imported into the master development tree to be part of the next release of the KDE Platform.

Kernel Log: Coming in 2.6.38 (Part 2) – File systems

Linux 2.6.38 contains patches to improve the scalability of VFS that has been the topic of much discussion for the past six months and that Torvalds himself was waiting for. Ext3 and XFS now support batched discard, which is interesting for SSDs, while Btrfs and SquashFS support additional compression technologies.

Linux Foundation to unite Linux and Android devs at new summit

The Linux Foundation announced an event intended to increase & systems level& collaboration among Android and Linux developers -- and perhaps patch up an ongoing rift with Google over kernel contributions. The Android Builders Summit, scheduled for April 13-14 in San Francisco, is now open for presentation submissions, the organization says....

IBM's Linux-based Watson supercomputer wins Jeopardy final

After some heady competition from its human rivals in the second exhibition round of Jeopardy, supercomputer "Watson" handily won round three, as well as the competition. Now the SUSE Linux-powered Watson is heading to medical school to prep for a role as a diagnostic assistant, while IBM readies a more context-sensitive successor dubbed "Racr".

Seagate GoFlex Is Really a Pogoplug in Disguise

Plug computing seems to be a popular theme at the moment and for good reasons. The devices themselves are relatively cheap, and they provide a basic capability that everyone needs: access to files from multiple devices. Not only that, they now have the ability to stream your media to virtually anywhere and any device including your Android, Apple or Blackberry phones. That's not bad for a device that will set you back less than a hundred bucks.

Gnome Shell is Almost Ready to Rock Your Desktop

When Gnome Shell was first becoming available over a year ago, we took a look at it to see what the foundation was like, and to see what direction the Gnome desktop was likely to go. At the time, we liked it, though it was clearly a “rough draft” of what it could eventually become. Since then, time has gone by, and while Ubuntu may have decided to go with Unity instead, others have taken Gnome Shell up to the next level. Fedora, among others, will be putting it front and center in future releases. Today we’re going to take a look at one of the most recent builds available to see what this slick desktop environment has got to offer.

Scripting the Linux desktop, Part 2: Scripting Nautilus

Summary: This series of articles explores how to use Python to create scripts for the GNOME desktop, the screenlets framework, and Nautilus to deliver a highly productive environment. Scripts on the desktop enable drag-and-drop functionality and quick access to the information and services you commonly use. In this installment, learn how to use Python to add functionality to extend Nautilus on your desktop.

3TB Drives are Here

In real estate it's about location. In storage it's about capacity. The next crop of high density drives are available but there are some gotchas related to some 3TB drives that you need to know before making a land grab.

A Kernel By Any Other Name

For legacy reasons we standardized our environment on Ubuntu Server. Generally when a new Ubuntu LTS release comes out, we, like many others, start deploying any new installations on the new release while we start planning upgrades for our most out-of-date servers. When 10.04 (lucid) was released, we already had everything up to 8.04 (hardy), so it it wouldn't be terribly painful to bring everything up to the newer release. At least that was our thinking, but when we installed our first 10.04 server, we got a surprise.

SCALE 9x Update: UpSCALE Talks/Birds of a Feather

You have something to say, but you’re only allotted several minutes and the presentation slides automatically change as you speak. Think you can do it? UpSCALE talks, held in the style of the Ignite presentations made popular by various O'Reilly-sponsored events, allow the six scheduled participants five minutes to speak on a topic, accompanied by 20 automatically-advanced slides provided by each speaker. This makes UpSCALE a fast-paced, fun event for participants and audience.

Getting Your Feet Wet with Blender: A Short Guide to Understanding Blender

Two weeks ago we took a peek at the 3D studio Blender's revamped user interface and found a lot to like. Still, that doesn't make it the kind of application you can fire up and run away with your first time through. It is clear that talented artists can get amazing results out of Blender — just look at the Sintel animated featurette for the latest example — but what are we mere mortals to do? Let's take a look at the best places to dive in, and at what resources you'll need to shorten the learning curve.

53 Open Source Ways to Improve Your Desktop

With so many new devices -- with so many new interfaces -- coming out all the time, is your desktop starting to seem a little, well...boring? Are you frustrated by how slow and buggy Windows is? Are you tired of winter weather and wish that something – anything – would change? If so, this list is for you.

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