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Boost the power of C with these open source libraries

The GLib Object System (GObject) is a library providing a flexible and extensible object-oriented framework for C. In this article, I demonstrate using the 2.4 version of the library.

Experiment with containers and pods on your own computer

In the TV show Battlestar Galactica, the titular mega-ship didn't actually do a whole lot. It served as a stalwart haven for its crew, a central point of contact for strategy and orchestration, and a safe place for resource management. However, the Caprican Vipers, one-person self-contained space vessels, went out to deal with evil Cylons and other space-borne dangers. They never just send one or two Vipers out, either. They sent lots of them. Many redundant ships with essentially the same capabilities and purpose, but thanks to their great agility and number, they always managed to handle whatever problem threatened the Battlestar each week.

LibreOffice 7.3.3 Office Suite Is Now Available for Download with 88 Bug Fixes

  • 9to5Linux; By Marius Nestor (Posted by hanuca on May 5, 2022 11:33 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux
The Document Foundation announced today the release and general availability of LibreOffice 7.3.3 as the third maintenance update to the latest and greatest LibreOffice 7.3 office suite series.

Kubernetes 1.24 Stargazer: An exceptional release with two major changes

Kubernetes, everyone's favorite container orchestrator, in its latest release, Kubernetes 1.24 Stargazer, has made two major changes: The developers dropped support for the Docker Engine container runtime and added supply chain security via Sigstore.

Unity and Trinity: New releases for forks of abandoned Linux desktops

  • The Register; By Liam Proven (Posted by bob on May 4, 2022 11:23 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux
True believers really can bring about resurrections, it seems. Two minority Linux desktop environments were updated this week. Coincidentally named Unity and Trinity, both are forks that continue projects long ago abandoned by their creators.…

Fedora 36 Release Has Been Delayed for the Second Time

  •; By Bobby Borisov (Posted by bobolin on May 4, 2022 10:08 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Fedora
Due to some last-minute bugs discovered, Fedora Linux 36 has been postponed again with a new release date of May 10.

Axzez equips 8port PoE+ board to their Interceptor Raspberry Pi CM4 carrier board

American based Axzez unveiled the Interceptor Power over Ethernet (PoE+) board which offers eight PoE+ ports to interface with their own Interceptor carrier board compatible with the RPI CM4. The Interceptor PoE+ board is ships for $59.

How I manage my own virtual network with ZeroTier

Automation is a hot topic right now. In my day job as a site reliability engineer (SRE), part of my remit is to automate as many repeating tasks as possible. But how many of us do that in our daily, not-work, lives? This year, I am focused on automating away the toil so that we can focus on the things that are important.

How to Install Matomo Web Analytics on Ubuntu 20.04

  •; By Jeff Wilson (Posted by RoseHosting on May 4, 2022 6:25 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Ubuntu
Matomo (formerly known as Piwik) is a free and open-source web analytics application developed in PHP to be the ultimate alternative to Google Analytics.

elementary OS 7 Code Name Revealed. Here are the Details

A few details and additional information about elementary OS 7 "Horus", with features, release dates and more.

How to Install Docker on Ubuntu 22.04

  • Cloudbooklet; By Pappin Vijak (Posted by cloudbooklet on May 4, 2022 3:57 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
Docker is a open-source platform that uses OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers. Container is a unit of software that packages up code and all its dependencies so the application runs quickly and reliably from one computing environment to another.

Best Free and Open Source Alternatives to Corel MindManager

  • (Posted by sde on May 4, 2022 2:42 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Roundups; Groups: Linux
Corel Corporation is a Canadian software company specializing in graphics processing. They are best known for developing CorelDRAW, a vector graphics editor. They are also notable for purchasing and developing AfterShot Pro, PaintShop Pro, Painter, Video Studio, MindManager, and WordPerfect. Corel MindManager is mind mapping software. MindManager can be used to manage projects, organize information, and for brainstorming. It’s not available for Linux.

How To Select And Filter Data From A MySQL Database With MySQL LIKE Operator using PHP In XAMPP

This guide explains how to select data from a table using MySQL LIKE operator and WHERE clause in a particular database using PHP in XAMPP.

How to set up OAuth2 in the Mutt email client

Open Authorization 2.0 (OAuth2) is a protocol that lets an application or website use a resource that someone else controls. It enables secure delegated access to web resources by using access tokens to allow access rights.

Pstore, The Linux Kernel Persistent Storage File System

With Linux, the primary method for obtaining debugging information of a serious error or fault is via the kdump mechanism. Kdump captures a wealth of kernel and machine state and writes it to a file for post-mortem debugging. But if kdump writes to a file that is on a remote server, and networking is down, then kdump can not work. (In this context, networking includes the guest’s network driver and stack, or the host’s network driver(s) and stack or the network hardware both on the host and in the surrounding data center.)

How to Install Slackware Linux 15: A Full Step-by-Step Guide

Slackware is the oldest actively maintained Linux distro. This comprehensive step-by-step guide will show you how to install Slackware Linux to get started quickly on becoming a Slackware expert.

Fix Bluetooth rtl8761b Problem on Linux (Ubuntu 22.04)

  • FOSS Post; By M.Hanny Sabbagh (Posted by fosspost on May 4, 2022 5:03 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Ubuntu
Are you having a problem with this weird rtl8761b Bluetooth firmware for your Bluetooth 5.0 adapter on Linux? We might have a possible fix.

Why and How to Edit Your Sudoers File in Linux

  • Make Tech Easier; By Ramces Red (Posted by damien on May 4, 2022 3:49 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
There's a "sudoers" file in your Linux system that permits and denies users from gaining super-user access. Learn how it works and how you can extend it.

Nitrux 2.1.1 Adds New ISO for NVIDIA Users, Eases the Management of Debian Packages

Uri Herrera announced today the release and general availability of Nitrux 2.1.1 as the first minor point release to the latest Nitrux 2.1 series of this systemd-free Debian-based GNU/Linux distribution.

How to Install Android Studio on Ubuntu

The Android OS runs on over 2.5 billion devices around the globe. The need for Android software engineers to develop new apps and maintain the existing ones is huge. Here's how you can get started with Android app development by installing Android Studio on Ubuntu, which comprises Android SDK, Java Development Kit (JDK), and other software needed to start developing native Android apps. Let's begin!

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