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From ifcfg to keyfiles: modernizing NetworkManager configuration in Fedora Linux 36

In the good old days, connecting a Linux box to a network was easy. For each of the interface cards connected to a network, the system administrator would drop a configuration file into the /etc directory. That configuration file would describe the addressing configuration for a particular network. On Fedora Linux, the configuration file would actually be a shell script snippet like this:

Ubuntu 22.10 Codename & Release date

Following the release of Ubuntu LTS a few days ago, the next Ubuntu release, Ubuntu 22.10, is now open for development. Kinetic Kudu has been confirmed as the codename for Ubuntu 22.10.

Container permission denied: How to diagnose this error

Learn what is causing a container permissions error and how to work around the issue without resorting to the --privileged flag.

Problems for the Linux kernel NTFS driver as author goes silent

There are doubts about the future of the new read-write NTFS driver in the Linux kernel, because its author is not maintaining the code, or even answering his email, leaving the code orphaned, says a would-be helper.

How to Install FileZilla on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

FileZilla is an easy-to-use, free FTP client with cross-platform support. In the following tutorial, you will learn how to install the latest version of FileZilla on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy Jellyfish.

How to Install and Use Portainer for Docker management with Nginx Proxy Manager

Portainer is an open-source container management solution for Docker, Kubernetes, and Nomad that simplifies starting, creating and running containers in an easy way. It provides a web-based dashboard to manage containers, images, networks, and volumes.

LF Research: One Year Recap and Imagining the Future

When I started at The Linux Foundation (LF) a few weeks ago, our research was one of the first things I dug into as I absorbed and learned what all the LF does to advance open source. Plus, since I started, it seems like the LF Research team has published a new report every few days. What a wealth of information! So, imagine my surprise when I learned that LF Research has just been around for one year. April 15th marked their one year birthday – and they have set the bar high in their first year.

Creating an AWS RDS Replica for MySql

Amazon RDS is an easy-to-set up AWS-managed database service. In this guide, we will see how to create a read replica of a MySql RDS database instance.

How to Install Android Studio on Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS

  •; By Joshua James (Posted by LinuxCapable on Apr 29, 2022 11:50 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
The Google-built Android Studio is a perfect match for developing apps on the vast mobile operating system. In the following tutorial, you will learn how to install the latest version of Android Studio on Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS.

How to Install LAMP Apache, MySQL, PHP in Ubuntu 22.04

  • Cloudbooklet; By Pappin Vijak (Posted by cloudbooklet on Apr 29, 2022 10:35 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
How to Install LAMP Apache, MySQL, PHP in Ubuntu 22.04. In this guide you will learn how to install Apache2, MySQL and PHP 8.1.

Fwupd 1.8 Linux Firmware Updating Tool Is Out With Support for New Hardware, More

  • 9to5Linux; By Marius Nestor (Posted by hanuca on Apr 29, 2022 9:34 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux
Fwupd Linux firmware updating tool has a new major stable release out as of today, version 1.8, which brings numerous new features and improvements, support for new hardware, and other changes.

Scrolling Up and Down in the Linux Terminal

Are you looking for the technique of scrolling through your Linux terminal? Brace yourself. This article is written for you. Today you’ll learn how to scroll up and down in the Linux terminal. So, let’s begin.

Free enterprise systems management tool Uyuni releases stable version

Navigate the SALT-y seas of systems-wrangling with the FOSS basis of SUSE Manager. The Uyuni project has released a new stable version of its eponymous free enterprise systems-management tool that supports SUSE distros as well as Red Hat (and its many relatives), Ubuntu, and Debian.…

How to upgrade Linux mint LMDE 4 to LMDE 5 via Upgrade tool

Learn how to use the new MintUprade tool and upgrade your Linux Mint LMDE 4 to LMDE 5

You Can Now Upgrade Ubuntu 21.10 to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, Here’s How

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) is out today and Ubuntu 21.10 users will probably want to upgrade their installations, and, for that, here’s a step-by-step tutorial with screenshots.

Microsoft Aggression and Deflection (Against Linux)

Today we wish to take stock of a bunch of misleading, sensationalist coverage about “Linux”; as usual, Microsoft is connected to that, even more directly than one might expect…

Arch Linux’s Archinstall Gets a Brand-New Menu System, Many Other New Features

Arch Linux’s archinstall installation script has been updated today to version 2.4.1, a release that introduces numerous new features and improvements, as well as many bug fixes.

How to Install or Upgrade PHP 8.1 on Ubuntu 22.04

  • Cloudbooklet; By Pappin Vijak (Posted by cloudbooklet on Apr 29, 2022 2:23 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
This tutorial also guides you to configure PHP INI settings, FPM settings, Pools, etc which is more useful for your application to run smooth.

LFPH Completes the Proof-of-Concept of its GCCN Trust Registry Network

Linux Foundation Public Health (LFPH) launched the Global COVID Certificate Network (GCCN) project in June 2021 to facilitate the safe and free movement of individuals globally during the COVID pandemic. After nine months of dedicated work, LFPH completed the proof-of-concept (POC) of the GCCN Trust Registry Network in partnership with Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering (Fraunhofer IAO), Symsoft Solutions and Finema in March 2022.

How to Fix Common Nginx Web Server Errors

  • Rose Hosting Blog; By (Posted by RoseHosting on Apr 29, 2022 12:20 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
In this blog post, we are going to explain the most common Nginx web server errors and will try to give you a simple solution for every possible issue.

Nginx is a web server that can be used as a multifunction tool such as reverse proxy, load balancing, caching, and more.

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