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9to5Linux Weekly Roundup: May 1st, 2022

  • 9to5Linux; By Marius Nestor (Posted by hanuca on May 2, 2022 8:25 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Roundups; Groups: Linux
The eighty-three installment of the 9to5Linux Weekly Roundup is here for the week ending on May 1st, 2022, keeping you guys up to date with the most important things happening in the Linux world.

How To Access Linux Partitions From Windows 10 Using Linux Reader

  •; By Senthil Kumar (Posted by ostechnix on May 2, 2022 7:11 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial; Groups: Linux
This guide explains how to access Linux partitions from Windows 10 and transfer the data from Linux partitions to Windows using a freeware named Linux reader.

Firefox 100 Is Now Available for Download, Enables GTK Overlay Scrollbars on Linux

Yes, Firefox 100 is finally here, and it looks like it was approved for release by Mozilla on May 3rd, 2022, but you can download it right now from the official channels if you can’t wait to enjoy the new features and improvements.

WordPress 6.0 Soon To Be Released With these new Features

WordPress 6.0 will be released very soon with a great number of features. They have already released three beta versions of the next release, giving us a good idea of what will be new in WordPress 6.0.

dahliaOS - A Unique Linux Distribution Based on Google Fuchsia First Look

Our first look at the dahliaOS Alpha version, based on Google's Fuchsia operating system.

How to Install and Use PHP Composer on Ubuntu 20.04

  •; By RoseHosting (Posted by RoseHosting on May 2, 2022 2:41 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Tutorial
Composer is a dependency manager tool for PHP especially designed to install and update project dependencies. It installs all required packages that are compatible with the PHP project.

Best Free and Open Source Alternatives to Google Forms

  •; By LinuxLinks (Posted by sde on May 2, 2022 1:40 PM EDT)
  • Story Type: Roundups; Groups: Linux
Google Forms is a survey administration software included as part of the free, web-based Google Docs Editors suite.

Improvements to Fedora Docs

  • Fedora Magazine (Posted by bob on May 2, 2022 12:38 PM EDT)
  • Groups: Fedora; Story Type: News Story
The Docs team is experiencing a new burst of energy. As part of this, we have several big improvements to the Fedora Docs site that we want to share. Searchable docs For years, readers have asked for search. We have a lot of documentation on the site, but you sometimes struggle to find what you’re looking for. With the new search feature, […]

Echo Command in Linux

  •; By linuxopsys (Posted by techgeek007 on May 2, 2022 11:37 AM EDT)
  • Groups: Linux
Learn about the echo command in Linux using practical examples.It is used to print the specified argument on the screen and print variable values

Nvidia starts laying groundwork for future open and parallel code

Gearing up to go full stack, firm spends time on standards, open-source communities Graphics processors are becoming a must-have in computing, so Nvidia is stepping up its work with standards and open-source communities to downstream technologies once largely exclusive to the company's development tools.…

Unity Desktop Environment Will Receive Its First Major Update in 6 Years

  •; By Bobby Borisov (Posted by bobolin on May 2, 2022 9:08 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story
Unity 7.6 will be the first major version of Unity in six years, with the previous release in May 2016. It has a redesigned look, with elements like the dash and HUD having a flatter UI while retaining the blur.

Hands-On with Arch Linux’s New Menu-Based Installer

  • 9to5Linux; By Marius Nestor (Posted by hanuca on May 2, 2022 2:21 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: Reviews; Groups: Arch, Linux
Arch Linux 2022.05.01 has been released today as the ISO snapshot for May 2022, and it’s the first to ship with the latest Archinstall installer script that features the brand-new menu system.

myPalletizer 4 axis robot arm available in M5 Stack & Raspberry Pi 4 models

Elephant Robotics has developed a 4 degrees of freedom (DOF) robotic arm platform that comes in an RPI 4 model B version and an M5 version. The robotic arm comes in a compact design and supports several programming languages to meet the requirements of hobbyists and users in STEM related fields .

How to Install Mod_PageSpeed with Apache on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

The Google PageSpeed module, also known as mod_PageSpeed, is an open-source Apache HTTP or Nginx server-level package with modules that helps optimize your site using various filters to pages.

How to Install Classic GNOME Flashback in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

A quick guide on how to install the good old Classic GNOME Flashback in the latest Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

GNOME 43 Release Date Slated for September 21st, 2022

While you’re still enjoying the new features of the GNOME 42 desktop environment, the GNOME Project already kicked off work on the next major release, GNOME 43, with a release date slated for later this year.

How to Install Avidemux on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Avidemux is a free and open-source software application for non-linear video editing and transcoding multimedia files. In the following tutorial, you will learn how to Install the latest Avidemux on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy Jellyfish using the command line terminal.

Unity 7.6 Released for Public Testing as the First Major Update to Unity7 in 6 Years

Ubuntu Unity maintainer Rudra Saraswat announced today the release for public testing of the upcoming Unity 7.6 desktop environment as the first major update in the last few years.

KaOS 2022.04 Ships with the Latest KDE Gear Apps for All KDE Lovers

  •; By Bobby Borisov (Posted by bobolin on May 1, 2022 11:00 AM EDT)
  • Story Type: News Story; Groups: Linux
KaOS Linux team announced the latest version of their operating system KaOS 2022.04, which focuses on KDE software, many updated packages, and features the newest KDE Gear 22.04 apps collection.

Parsing data with strtok in C

Some programs can just process an entire file at once, and other programs need to examine the file line-by-line. In the latter case, you likely need to parse data in each line. Fortunately, the C programming language has a standard C library function to do just that.

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